Saturday, November 12, 2016

Me 2

I had a nice Saturday also. I got beef jerky made. I also went grocery shopping. I am glad that you guys had a fun time in Ogden. I hope everyone has a great Sunday tomorrow.  Bye

Nice day

We met up with the Anderson gang in Ogden and went to the train museum and then the mall to ride the train.  We had a lot of fun.  We did hit Walmart also to get some treats.  We ate at Waffle Love and Robin isn't wasn't as good as when we took you.  I wasn't sure why.  Isaac loved it.  Karen, I hope your beef jerky turned out good.  I am looking forward to that.  Everyone have a nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM

Friday, November 11, 2016

So glad

I am so glad it is Friday and that Robin you aren't working this weekend.  You need some rest.  Karen, I am glad your soup turned out and am excited about the beef jerky.  We went to Winco tonight to get Jelly Beans and they had some meat that was cut up into thin pieces.  I thought we could check it out one day.  Rachel, I am so sorry you haven't slept and you have sick kids.  That is so hard.  I am hoping you get some rest.  Let us know how we can help.  LOVE MOM


I am so glad that today is Friday also. It was the luncheon today. I made potato soup. It tasted good, but the potaoes could have used some more cooking time, but it was all gone when the luncheon was over, so i guess everyone else liked it. I got all the meat cut up for beef jerky, so i should be all set to make it tomorrow.  I hope everyone has a great weekend.


I had an 8 hour count down at work. I was so excited to have it the weekend. The girl that is quitting at scheels wanted me to take her shifts this weekend but I couldn't do it. Everything inside me said it was a bad idea to work. So I am doing the opposite and not work. I'm excited. I started on embroidering the snowmen I just bought the pattern for. My machine is working alot better. Hopefully it won't over heat. I'm going to put it through alot this week :) have a good weekend


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Rolling along

Robin, sometimes it just hard to not be grumpy.  I had a good day.  I am really liking all my new work and not having to help Stacey.  I was doing it anyway and now I don't have to answer a whole bunch of questions.  I am getting a lot done.  We went to Smiths on the way home and Isaac is going to be happy.  I found Fruity Pepples with marshmallows.  I know it is a great day.  Ruth is so cute with those barbies.  Isn't it interesting how girls like to play with different things.  I am surprised that Oliver doesn't play with her.  I am glad Oliver had a better day.  He has had some tough days.  I sure wish Ruth would sleep.  Karen I am excited for the beef jerky.  Thanks for making that.  WE will bring it with us when we are shopping.  That will be fun.  Have a nice Friday.  LOVE MOM


Ruthie didn't sleep again, hopefully she is going to start sleeping better.  This morning I kept Oliver rested and fed and tried to be really patient to keep Oliver happy and we had a good morning.  I had a quilt group in the afternoon and it is so fun to talk quilts with people and see what they are working on.  When we got home I gave Ruthie a nap and Oliver quiet time, me and Isaac did homework.  Imogene and Neve came over and played for a while before dinner.  Neve loves barbies and it is so fun. Ruthie likes them also.  For dinner I had coupons for noodles and company so we went their.  It tasted really good and was cheap with all the coupons.  Isaac said it was his favorite place in the world.  I made another fabric basket.  I love it, it looks better in person I think.  I love having them around.



Well I am glad that tomorrow is Friday also. The monthly luncheon is tomorrow also so i am making potato soup. I hope that it turns out good. Work went good, no drama at my place. Tomorrow I am going to chopped up the beef i got at costco and get it ready to make into beef jerky on Saturday.  I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Grumpy gills

Today was ok. I was grumpy for some reason. I have no good excuse other than it was an off day. I had to work at scheels today so maybe it was just the scheels vibe that threw me off. Ha ha today was my 2 years at scheels. I can't believe it's been two years. The pictures of the kids they look all grown up. Well I am so glad tomorrow is friday. They are starting to put the ads online. Have a good one

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


That is fun that you met up for dinner, good job.  I am glad that work is going better Mom.  I hope you didn't get tons more work.  Today was pretty good.  We went grocery shopping this morning and then I got home and took out the trash and we had no more garbage sacks so we had to run to the store again.  Oliver and Ruthie were sad on the way home.  Oliver was grumpy for most of the day and Ruthie didn't sleep well again so I was tired.  Henry was going to play today but his Mom said that 4 kids threw up at school today and she didn't want to spread it around if either Isaac of Henry had it so they are going to play on Monday.  We played outside all afternoon and Isaac pulled the little kids around in the tunnels, it was fun.  Isaac has a STEM project to build a shelter or building so he is building a car garage.  We have been thinking about what to use to make it and yesterday I thought of lego's so he can do it himself.  So we started working on it tonight and it was fun.  He was having fun with it.  We aren't done yet but we have until the end of the month.  Enough rambling, everyone have a great night.


I texted Robin and she was free for dinner so we met up with her.  Thanks Robin.  That was fun.  I enjoyed our visit.  I talked with Isaac and Oliver and they want to play on Saturday.  I think we are going to the train museum and then snow basin.  If someone thinks of something else I am sure we can adjust plans.  I can't believe Thanksgiving is two weeks away.  Man that is coming up fast.  Not much else going on with me.  Work was good.  I am liking the changes we have made.  They seem to be helping me a lot.  I am glad that tomorrow is Thursday.  This has seemed like a long week for me.  LOVE MOM


Well things are good here in Kamas. Work went by quick, so that was nice. I am glad that the week is half over. I can't beleve that Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Today was good. I got my machine back. A girl at work wanted a minni mouse sweater for her mom's birthday so I made this for her tonight


Nice day

I had a nice day today.  Work was good and we had a pumpkin food contest.  I put chicken and bacon on my pasta and it was better.  I didn't win but I am good with that one.  I even got some work done and that felt nice.  We have been watching that Grinder TV show on Netflixs Rachel and that is good.  We have also been watching the Crown and I have been enjoying that.  It will be interesting to see who wins.  Have a wonderful Wednesday.  Robin, I hope that is a good guy you met.  Karen my dishes are piled up in my sink.  I am going to have to take care of that.  We did go to Sam's after work and get some meds and a chicken for dinner.  It tasted good.  LOVE MOM

Election day

Well my day was good. I made it thru work. It was Tuesday so it was meeting day. It does take a chunk out of the day when you go to meetings. I did dishes tonight so my sink is empty again. At least for a minute. Well i hope everyone had a great day. Bye

It's only Tuesday

Good job on your date Robin, that is fun.  I hope that is awesome.  Today was pretty good.  We dropped Isaac off at school and then I had some khols cash that expired today so we went their.  I tried to get me a shirt but nothing looked good on me so I got Ruthie a outfit and a stuffed animal.  Then we went to the health store and got some probiotics for the kids.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and that is always fun.  The kids were good and Ruthie slept which was nice, she didn't sleep good last night.  When Casey got home we went up to Randy's house to visit.  The girls are leaving tomorrow which is sad.  We stayed their until bed time.  Casey left for scouts and then came back up.  It will be interesting to see who wins, I kept thinking a third party would but that doesn't look like it is going to happen.



Today was good work was slow. I met up with a guy I met on a dating site tonight. His name is ricky. He's pretty cool. We might go out again. We will see. Then I came home and took a nap. I was tired, but I forget I can't sleep at night when I do that. Oh well the nap was worth it. Have a good night


Monday, November 7, 2016

Food cook off

Well tomorrow is a food contest and you are suppose to make something with pumpkin.  I made a pumpkin casserole and it is bad.  I am not sure I am even going to take it.  Oh well live and learn.  It will be interesting to see how voting goes.  Mail in is the only way in Kamas also.  I am not sure I like that at all.  I am glad you are having fun with Casey's sisters.  I am worried about the kids and their tummies.  Get them some probiotics and see if that helps.  I hate bad tummies.  I do love those plates Robin.  They are cute.  Work was good, I got a lot done and that was nice.  Have a good election day.  LOVE MOM


Robin there are 10 plates all together.  I have 9 plus the one you have. The picture you put on the blog looks really cute. My day was good. Work dragged a little bit, but I made it thru. After work i ran to Heber ane picked up my prescriptions. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Who will win?

This time change is so hard, the kids get up early and are tired at 6:30.  Hopefully we can all catch on soon.  Last night Casey and the girls went to an abandoned house that they like to go to.  Tiffany has loved this cough forever so last night they took it and cleaned it up.  It is a pretty couch and in great shape for being in a abandoned house, it was fun to clean up.  I finished a bowl, I am obsessed with them.  They are great for toys.  Today Casey took the day off to hang out with his sisters.  I was supposed to volunteer in Kindergarten but she had some happen with the schedule and didn't need me.  After lunch Casey wanted to look at a cheap broken down SUV so he went up with Randy and his sisters to look at it.  It was in bad shape so he didn't get it.  He was hoping it was something he could fix easy.  Then we met up with them at a thrift store and then went up to Randy's.  Ruthie and Oliver had a bad stomach again.  We are going to stop apples and milk and see if that helps.  Randy was saying that it is just mail in voting this time, you can't go anywhere to vote.  I thought that was weird.  It will be interesting to see who wins.


Sunday, November 6, 2016

I fell back

I woke up at 7 this morning.  I couldn't believe that.  I did sneak in a nap so that was good.  I am glad that you are visiting with Tiffany and Laurie.  That is fun.  Robin that is one neat picture.  I love it and the plate it perfect.  I am sorry your machine isn't working.  That is horrible.  Karen, I am glad you had a good day.  You didn't say anything about beef jerky.  I was wondering if you were waiting until next weekend.  We took Grandma out to lunch and Walmart.  It was nice to walk around.  That is my favorite Walmart.  We are having a cooking contest on Tuesday.  The theme is pumpkin.  I am going to make a pumpkin casserole.  I thought everyone else would make sweets.  Be different.  I am going to make that tomorrow night.  Have a nice Monday.  Election time is Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that they movie was good, I want to see it now.  I love your painting Robin.  I think you should do that more.  I am sorry about your machine.  You need them to give you a refund or something.  Today was good.  The kids stayed up late last night and woke up with the old time so they were tired by old bed time tonight.  I had to teach at church so Casey took the kids up to Randy's to visit with the girls and I met up after I was done.  We spent most of the day their and it was good to visit.  They are so cute with the kids and the kids love them.  Tiffany said that she can't say no to Oliver since he is so cute.  He wanted pizza and she got him pizza, he is spoiled.  The kids were so tired Oliver fell asleep as soon as we got home, the time change is so hard.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday and it isn't too long.  I hope their is no work drama.


Yet again

Today was ok. I was going to sew but my usb wasn't reading on my machine. I was pretty pissed. So I took it back to Joanns. Hopefully they fix it quickly. I also cut out karen's christmas plate design. How many more do you need karen was it 10? I was antsy so I also painted. It was fun to have a chill craft day. Well have a good monday!



Well my day has been good. I even remembered to fall back. Yeah for me. I did have a fun time yesterday with mom and dad.  I enjoyed the movie. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...