Wednesday, November 9, 2016


That is fun that you met up for dinner, good job.  I am glad that work is going better Mom.  I hope you didn't get tons more work.  Today was pretty good.  We went grocery shopping this morning and then I got home and took out the trash and we had no more garbage sacks so we had to run to the store again.  Oliver and Ruthie were sad on the way home.  Oliver was grumpy for most of the day and Ruthie didn't sleep well again so I was tired.  Henry was going to play today but his Mom said that 4 kids threw up at school today and she didn't want to spread it around if either Isaac of Henry had it so they are going to play on Monday.  We played outside all afternoon and Isaac pulled the little kids around in the tunnels, it was fun.  Isaac has a STEM project to build a shelter or building so he is building a car garage.  We have been thinking about what to use to make it and yesterday I thought of lego's so he can do it himself.  So we started working on it tonight and it was fun.  He was having fun with it.  We aren't done yet but we have until the end of the month.  Enough rambling, everyone have a great night.

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