well last night on my way home from work my car had a flat. I went to go have it fixed but I didn't have time to get it all done so the car place put the spare till I can fix it tomorrow. yikes. so hopefully that is the last of catastrophe. I like your angel karen its really cute the kids will like that :) well have a relaxing fun sunday
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Crafty Karen
Karen, that is really cute. Good job. I think that the kids will really like the angel, she is cute. We had a really nice day. We dropped off my quilt to be quilted. I am really relieved to finally have it all finished, it is going to be really pretty. Thanks Mom and Dad. We did some shopping and Isaac was so cute he was tired and was laying down across the cart. We ate lunch at El Toro, it was very good. Me and Mom cooked up some meat, it will be nice to have that in the freezer. After Mom left we went to the jewelry shop and they are going to fix my bracelet and necklaces, I am excited. Isaac was fussy so we went home and I feed him and made chicken for dinner. It tasted good. Thanks for the fun time Mom. We love it when you come up. Casey gave me the book that you got and it is really cute, I like it, thanks. Well everyone have a safe night and have a relaxing Sunday.

Well here is my angel. I think that they turned out cute. I still need a story or saying to go with it, but I think that it is cute. I hope that everyone had a good Saturday. Mine was good. i went every where trying to find wings for my angel. I finally just cut some out. Well have a great Sunday tomorrow BYE
Friday, December 9, 2011
Safe and Sound in Logan
I made it safe to Logan. The funeral was nice. I was glad I went. We went to the ward Christmas party also Karen. It was fun to see everyone. Rachel was on the set up committee so I got to play with Isaac while she worked. I love your Angels Karen that is such a good idea. I will look for a saying tomorrow night when I get home. I am coming home tomorrow afternoon. I am glad the weather is nice. I love the new border Rachel. It is getting Christmas time. Man time is going so fast. Dad called me from China he is doing really well. My phone lost its charge so we didn't get to talk long but he sounded really good. I feel better after talking with him. Have a great weekend. LOVE MOM
Well my day has been good. Work went by pretty fast. The are cleaning the carpets this weekend so we had to clean everything up before we left. Then I went to the ward Christmas party and had dinner. It was really good food. They had ham and potatoes. Hmmm! I love not having to cook or clean up. Well I found these cute angel things to make for primary. Now I need a cute saying or story to go with them. So if you guys have any let me know. I haven't found any good ones. Well have a good weekend. BYE
Thursday, December 8, 2011
well today was good nothing to crazy. I slept for most of it, it was so nice to get some sleep. Then the show ran well today nothing to crazy. well about the same deal for tomorrow travel safe mom to logan and everyone have a great friday
This and that
I don't have much going on it. It was a nice day outside so we walked around a bit. I have to make some pumpkin bars for the ward party tomorrow so we went to walmart. I got Isaac a cute sweater vest outfit for Christmas day, he is going to look so cute. I am glad that Dad is in first class, that will be so much better for him. Well don't rush tomorrow Mom, we will see you when we see you. It should be fun.
I am glad tomorrow is friday also. I am tired. It has been a busy week. I am going to Betty's funeral tomorrow and then driving up to Logan. Rachel I will keep you posted on time but I should be there before you have to go set up. Or if you want us to go with you we can. Dad hasn't made it to China yet but he texted me and said they got him a first class seat. That made me feel a lot better. I just finished laundry and dishes and I am going to go lay down by my new heater and watch a movie. Have a great friday.
Ready for Friday
Well I am ready for it to be the weekend. The week has seemed kind of long for some reason. Oh well. I am trying to think of something Christmasie that I can make for the kids in my primary class for my last Sunday next week. Do you guys have any ideas? I am coming up blank so far. My day was good. I stayed busy so that was nice. I am glad that your presentation went well mom. I hope that dad had a good trip to China. Well have a good Friday everyone. BYE
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
that is funny about isaac hes a funny kid. well not to much is going on today i had a two show day so that was basically it. I got to listen to annie twice. tomorrow is a one show day so I am going to sleep in and relax. it will be nice. have a great one
He is a red head
I think that is cute he is having moments. He is so dang cute. It is so hard not to laugh when they do that. They are so serious about it. I had a good day at work. The computers were down until 11 so I didn't get much done before that. I am making progess on my work. I am going to leave work around 10 on Friday and as soon as the luncheon is done. I am figuring around 3, I will come up to Logan. I am not sure I will make the dinner or not. I will keep you posted. Karen I am so proud of you. I am glad you went. It helps to get to know people. I know I need to get active also. Robin I am with Rachel I am so proud of you for trying. I think no matter what happens this is a good thing but just for the record, I see me and dad at a blue man concert very soon. I am getting excited for Christmas. LOVE MOM
A very good title
Robin, good job at the interview. I am proud of you and whatever happens I think that this has been a good experience for you. Karen, that sounds fun, I am glad that you went. Dad have a safe trip to China tomorrow, I hope that it goes well. I am excited for Christmas also, it is coming fast. Casey's kindle came in the mail today and that was fun. I have been getting a lot of packages in the mail from my shopping online for Christmas, I am going to miss getting them. I had a good day, Isaac took two naps so that was nice. I think that he was a little frustrated with me today, he kept putting his head on the couch. Also when we were playing with his quiet book I was leaning over it and he threw his whole body over it to push me away, it was really funny.

no title
Well I had a pretty good day. Work was alright. I am glad that the week is half over though. I am so ready for the Christmas holiday to here. Well mom you will be proud I went to the Relief society Christmas party. It was good they had dinner and a short program. Is was good. One of the musical numbers was Far Far away on Judea's plains. And it made me think of Grandpa because he said that when he sang people always requested that he sing Far Far Away. Well I hope that everyone had a good Wednesday. BYE
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
well for an update in length. I think the interview went well. It was kinda like the job fair, just really easy to talk to and we were laughing, there were 4 people interviewing me. but Then they didn't say a date of when they were going to call me back. and I think they wanted me to see the whole show but I don't think that is to big of a deal. They were really excited that I knew how to do face casts, they asked alot of questions on that to make sure that I knew for sure what I was talking about. But that was a bonus. It was only like 1/2 hour though but they brought up a few times that I came out before for the red carpet event, I think that was an uber big bonus on my side. but I don't know I just see if from my side were they didn't shun me and throw me out on the streets. so from my side it went well. but I will keep ya'll updated on what I hear back. :) I'm glad everyone is doing well. I can't believe how cold it is with out snow. well I am going to go crash for the night have a great wensday
Looking at lot like Christmas
We went christmas shopping tonight and I am getting really done. YEAH. THat feels nice. I am glad the birthday stuff is fun. I am glad you made it home safe and sound Robin. Good luck working all night. You have had one long day. Karen sorry about the email. I didn't look very close at the address. I need to erase the one that is to your phone. I will do that in the morning. I hope you guys have a good hump day. I am going to pack up dad. I need to see what the temperature is in Bejing so I know what to pack. Have a great one LOVE MOM
Good Job
Good job Robin, I am glad that everything went well. Today was good. My visiting teachers came over this morning. I have new ones and they are really nice. They both have moved in recently so I don't think Mom will know them. The party package came today and it is awesome. I am super excited. It came with everything needed to throw an awesome party including orange cone hats. Casey made it home safely. Well everyone have a good night.
Still cold
Well it is still cold here. Some one at work told me it was 13 degrees this morning. I had a good day. Work went by pretty quick so that was nice. Just think 2 weeks from tomorrow I get to come up for Christmas. Robin I am glad that your interview went well. I hope that working after all that doesn't wear you out too badly. Mom I am sorry that I didn't email you back on your last email. You sent it to my phone so I didn't see it until after work. Well have a great one. BYE
Monday, December 5, 2011
crush it in
thanks everyone for your support I will let you know how it goes ;) but at work the girl that is subbing has a huge test she has to study for so I am going to go back to work after I land to help clean up. yeesh tomorrow is going to be beyond crazy. I love isaacs hat and gloves that is cute. well have a great one I will keep everyone posted on tomorrow.
love you
love you
Monday Monday
It was a cold day here also. I love the hat and gloves Rachel. That is neat he will keep them on. It will be a lot warmer for him. I had a good day at work. Busy but not out of control and then Dad worked late so I went and bough subway sandwiches for them and then we went to Shapiros to get some stuff for China. He is leaving on Thursday and coming home on Monday. Good luck Robin on your interview. I am so excited for you. I will be praying for you. I go to the dentist in the morning so I won't be emailing until afternoon. I hope they don't have to pull that tooth. I am a little nervous about it. I did get some wrapping done and that is nice to get some boxes out of the doorway. Now I need to work on the stuff in my bedroom. Have a nice tuesday. Fly safe Robin. LOVE MOM
Good Day
Today was a good day. I made a beef and froze it like Mom has been doing Sunday and Isaac is really liking it. I have been giving it too him for lunch the last two days. It is good to see him eat something other than those snacks. He also eats on of the baby food with the beef. Tonight we went to the mall to play on the playground and walk around. I tried to get a picture of Isaac with Santa and he would have any of it. Maybe we can try again this weekend. Tiffany sent Isaac a cute hat and gloves, I have attached a picture. He loved the gloves, he keep looking at them. Good luck tomorrow Robin, you are going to do great.

Baby it's cold outside
Well it is really cold down here. They high today was only 41. I nearly froze. Sorry I didn't email muh today mom. They want to send out 90 pieces of the part I am helping rework and so far I only have 50. So i have until Thursday to get 40 more done (or as many as I can). SO i am trying to get as many done as possible. I made spaghetti for dinner. It tasted good. Good luck with your interview Robin. We have to celebrate you getting the job next time I see you. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, December 4, 2011
well I just slept all day. sorry I didn't blog on saturday but the play went well. we had a pot luck in between shows it was fun we started watching annie the movie and the play is a lot better. but anyway glad everyone is good have a great monday
Quiet Day
We had a nice day also. We just hung out and napped. It was good to get some rest. Kay left me an email this morning saying that Betty (Paul's mom) was in ICU and that she wasn't going to live much longer. She just called and said that she passed away. THey think the funeral will be either Thursday or Friday. I felt really bad for Bert. We had a good food day also. I made hashbrowns for breakfast and barbequed chicken with rice a roni for dinner. It tasted really good. I am glad your lesson went well Karen. That is sad about Collin. I am glad he is OK? I put my Santas on my trees this morning and it made the trees look so cute. I love them. Thanks Rachel for giving me some. It made a big difference. Have a great week. LOVE MOM
Today was good. It was snowing this morning. We went to sacrament meeting and that was good. Casey was wearing his sweater and it was making Isaac's hair go crazy with static electricity, it was funny. Last night we went grocery shopping and I bought some ground beef and I browned it last night. So we had tacos for lunch and they tasted so good. Isaac loves ground beef and he ate a lot of it. The we had twice baked potatoes and steak for dinner. It was a good food day. We went and visited Casey's family for a while. Collin was in a car accident last night. He is lucky alright. His hand was sore but that is all. They think that the car might be totaled but they will know more tomorrow. I also put my some of my santas on the tree and it looks really cute. I just had to trow that in.
Well my Sunday was good. My class was huge today. I had nine kids in my class. We were talking about Paul's mission so I went to Deserst Book and Missionary in training pins. I bought 10 of them luckily so I had enough for everyone. That was luck for me. I hope that everyone had a good Sunday. Just three weeks until Christmas. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...