We had a really nice day. We slept in and then Karen came and got us and we went and played with Luna and helped with their robo mower. Karen's check engine light came on and we stopped o Reilly's and said it had misfired on cylinder 1. She is going to drive us home tomorrow and trade jeeps and dad is going to take it into that guy that replaced the engine. We are spending the night at Karen's. We are going to Costco tomorrow. I will.look for formula. I am so glad that your fence got fixed Rachel. Love mom
Saturday, May 28, 2022
Friday, May 27, 2022
I was a warm day today. I didn't wear a jacket on my walk this morning and it was nice. It looked like rain and Alexia said it was to rain so the kids wore long pants. They chained Lobo up next door and he was crying at night and this morning. I haven't heard him all afternoon so I am not sure what is going on. We did yoga at exercise class and that always feels good. Me and Ruth ran to WinCo and Oliver called and didn't feel good at school. We picked him up on the way home. Poot thing threw up in the car and a couple times at home. He must have a stomach bug. We watched star wars while Ruth was at school and I fell asleep. It was hot after school so we just played video games. I had physical therapy and it was fine. I have a couple more exercises to do. Tomorrow we are fixing the back fence by the grapes. The dog did break this part it has been broken for a couple weeks and needs to fixed. The grapes are all dead and are by the fence so me and Casey cut it all down. Casey went and got some posts so we can start tomorrow morning. Andy said he will help which is really nice him. I am sorry your grapes are gone Robin. They have been their forever. I took a after picture but the one of Robin's didn't save. Everyone enjoy you Saturday. I hope Jeremy has a fun birthday weekend.
Love Rachel
The joint commission finished today so it was still busy and then at 3:30 everyone left. It was so nice and quiet. After work we went to get drugs and then some new pro biotics. My poor stomach needs something. We went to Capporiti for dinner, It tasted really good. We are going to Lehi tomorrow to help with the lawn mower. We are going to Karen's afterwards and spend the night. It is suppose to be really nasty weather all weekend. That sucks. Not much else to report on my end. Rachel good luck with your fence. LOVE MOM
I am glad it is a long weekend. My day was good. Work was quiet but I made it through. Then I came home and did dishes and cooked dinner. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye
Thursday, May 26, 2022
I agree about the fence. He has been jumping over it today so that is minimizing the damage. He spend all night in our backyard. We took him home this morning and he just came right back. The dog's slept all day and were quiet. At dinner the neighbor called and I brought Lobo over. He came back like four time and I just kept bring him back to their house. So I hope they find something that works. Thursdays are slower and that is nice. I cleaned the house this morning. After school it was hot and the kids wanted a water slide and water balloons. So we went and got some. Isaac got a headache and didn't feel good so we are saving everything for tomorrow. After dinner we cleaned up the yard and out the sun shade on the deck. It is so nice. I ordered new shoes and they came today. I don't have good traction on my old shoes and was worried I would fall. These new ones have really good grip and they feel nice. I go back to physical therapy tomorrow. It hurts and I am not looking forward to it. I almost forgot this morning the school was selling used Chromebooks for $25 and you could get two. So I went and got them. They will be so nice for the kids to use. I was excited. Love you guys
Love Rachel
I feel the same as robin about the fence. It is their dog and it was fine before he showed up. I think the back neighbors should help you fix that side also. I think that is funny that Luna loves real food. They don't like baby food too long. They want what everyone has. I wish she would get some teeth. Karen I am sorry you had an allergy shot they are miserable. Work was good one more day and then the inspection is done. It is super busy for my bosses and they are tired. I am ready for the long weekend. We hooked up with the gumm gang. It is Kay's birthday on Tuesday. She is going to be 72. Dads stomach wasn't great and he didn't eat much. We came home and just vegged. Everyone have a great friday. Love mom
I got my allergy shot this morning so I felt kind of crappy today. I made it through though so that was good. Work is still just the usual, nothing too wild and crazy. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday and it is a long weekend. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Today was busy. We had a lot of neighbor dog drama. The dog's name is Lobo. I walked this morning and when I got back Lobo had come over. He is just smashing through the fence to be with Tony. I texted them and let them know where he was. We went to exercise class and then hurried to go visiting teaching. We visited an older lady and she told us her life story. It was good to visit. We were their longer than I thought and we had ten minutes to eat lunch and get Ruth to school. When I got back home the neighbor was out so I took Lobo back. He had a fence contractor there. He can buy our house and I said we couldn't afford a whole new fence but we help could fix the broken stuff. Casey came home to take a shower at the same time the fence guy was here. So they talked and then Casey talked with our neighbor. Then the back fence is broken so he talked to the back neighbor and we are going to fix that this weekend. I had a coupe minutes and was able to finish my heart quilt. It turned out good. Lobo came back over ten minutes after we took him home and was here the rest of the day. The boys went to the library after school and played computer with their friends. Ruth went to Emily's house to play and my visiting teachers came over. When everyone came home we had a quick dinner and went to activity days. We played soccer at the park. The boys loved it. Isaac rode his bike and then rode his bike to young men's. Then he can ride home after he is done and we don't have to guess when to pick him up. He had fun and played 9 square. Lobo had gone home while we were gone. Casey fixed the fence and Lobo jumped over it to get to our house. Casey and Oliver were taking him back nextdoor and Lobo ran away. He took off down the street and Casey chased him. Oliver was so upset. He cried all night. Lobo killed some birds and knocked a lady over. Casey couldn't catch him but someone else did and called our neighbor. Oliver was so upset about Lobo running away but he is fine and back home. He is a crazy dog. Lobo and Tony get along really well and like spending the day together. Our fence is getting destroyed in the process.
Love Rachel
Work was busy yet I didn't get a lot of emails so that was really nice. I worked on getting caught back up and it felt so nice. I did work an hour over my time so I don't have to take so much PTO for taking Monday off. I am such a hoarder of PTO. I like to play too much and not use it to be sick. We just chilled also after work. I did make spaghetti and it tasted so good. I haven't made that in a long time. Our thermostat needed new batteries so it got warm in here but it is working now. Well that is all my excitement. I love the videos of Ruth's tumbling and Luna is growing up way to big. LOVE MOM
My day was good. I worked on doing a stress simulation for half the day. It was fun to do. Other than that nothing too exciting here. I am glad that the week is half over. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
My eyes were a lot better today so I went to work. I was glad I did because joint commission showed up. It is a huge government inspection certification that will go all week. We did go to WinCo after work and get bread. Rachel I am so glad that tumbling went well. I am sorry we missed it. I wish we could get over this junk. I did talked to robin and we were thinking of having jeramys birthday party when we were all in kamas on June 4. I will get a cake and we can sing happy birthday. How does that sound? I am glad Ruth wasn't sick for her tumbling. Karen good luck with your allergy shot on Thursday. Robin I hope Lunas tooth breaks through soon. They are so wild when the become mobile. Energizer bunnies. Love mom
Ruth didn't feel good today so she stayed home from school. She isn't super sick and doesn't have the cough. The neighbors got a new dog and he dug under the fence this morning. Him and Tony had a great time together. It was fun. Our neighbor came and got the dog around lunch time. I am glad he was a nice dog and Tony had fun. I started quilting my heart quilt and ran out of thread a quarter thought the first row. So we ran to the quilt store and got more thread. I also had to get some puddy for my physical therapy exercises. Oliver needed more inventory for his school store so we went to zuchers and got whoopy cushion and more doughnuts for him. Ruth had her tumbling show off night tonight. It was really nice and the girls all did a good job. They gave each girl a medal and a personal certificate. Ruth got most eager because she is always wanting to learn everything. Randy and Terri came and went out for ice cream afterwards. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
It is just the same old same old here. Went to work, went to meetings, and worked on my to do list. Came home and did laundry. I was out of clean socks. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye
Monday, May 23, 2022
I love your flowers Robin, they look so pretty. Good job. Don't worry about coming up tomorrow. I wouldn't come up if you are Dad aren't feeling well. I am sorry about your eyes. Have a cold also. I walked Tony this morning and it was really cold. We did 90s & 2000s for exercise class and it was alot of fun. It reminded me of college. We made lip gloss. Ruth was excited. Ruth didn't feel great. She slept downstairs and fell off the couch so she didn't sleep well. I had her go to school anyway. I went to physical therapy. I learned a lot and it hurt to move my fingers. My grip is really weak on my left hand. I am glad to get some help. Oliver had a market at school where everyone sold things and the had to lay rent and bills. He sold doughnuts and erasers. He had a fun time. We went to the library after school because Oliver wanted a book. Isaac didn't want to go so we dropped him off home. We are going to start going once a week again. Isaac practiced the violin and we picked a song out to learn. Ruth fell asleep all evening. Isaac didn't want a frozen pizza so he made a pasta bake. He made up a recipe and it turned out really good. I hope everyone feels better. Take a ton of vitamin c.
Love Rachel
So my eyes were still a little red and goopy so I just called in sick. I needed that. I have always worked when I was home so this was just a lazy day. My eyes are all better now I might have to go to work tomorrow. I didn't get called to jury duty so that was nice. I like Luna's outfit that is cute on her. Karen we may have a cough for ever as well. What are we doing for jeramys birthday? I don't have any plans yet. Rachel I am glad you went to the therapist today. I hope it helps. I don't think we are coming up tomorrow. I feel bad but dad's stomach is a mess and I am worried about him in the car tomorrow. If things get better we can change our minds. I don't know what he ate but it has hit him hard. Go figure. I have Clorox wipes in all my rooms now and I am wiping everything down every time I go into a room. The clean in machine is out in force🤩🤩 I think we are the ones spreading things around. Have a nice Tuesday. I can't believe the kids are almost out of school. Love mom
Things are going good here as well. I still have a cough but by now I might just have it forever. Work is just the usual. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, May 22, 2022
We had a really nice weekend in Logan. The kids were so cute and we played and played. We hadn't done that in a while. Thanks so much for having us. We came home and just vegged. I think it is my turn for pink eye. Robin I love those flowers they are beautiful. You needed a down weekend. Karen I hope you are feeling better. I still have Karen's sauve to I am using that. I hope it works. Have a nice week. I can't believe may is almost gone. Love you all mom
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...