Monday, May 23, 2022


 So my eyes were still a little red and goopy so I just called in sick. I needed that. I have always worked when I was home so this was just a lazy day. My eyes are all better now I might have to go to work tomorrow. I didn't get called to jury duty so that was nice. I like Luna's outfit that is cute on her. Karen we may have a cough for ever as well. What are we doing for jeramys birthday? I  don't have any plans yet. Rachel I am glad you went to the therapist today. I hope it helps. I don't think we are coming up tomorrow. I feel bad but dad's stomach is a mess and I am worried about him in the car tomorrow. If things get better we can change our minds. I don't know what he ate but it has hit him hard. Go figure. I have Clorox wipes in all my rooms now and I am wiping everything down every time I go into a room. The clean in machine is out in force🤩🤩 I think we are the ones spreading things around. Have a nice Tuesday. I can't believe the kids are almost out of school. Love mom

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