Tuesday, May 24, 2022


 Ruth didn't feel good today so she stayed home from school.  She isn't super sick and doesn't have the cough.  The neighbors got a new dog and he dug under the fence this morning.  Him and Tony had a great time together.  It was fun.   Our neighbor came and got the dog around lunch time.  I am glad he was a nice dog and Tony had fun.  I started quilting my heart quilt and ran out of thread a quarter thought the first row.  So we ran to the quilt store and got more thread.  I also had to get some puddy for my physical therapy exercises.  Oliver needed more inventory for his school store so we went to zuchers and got whoopy cushion and more doughnuts for him.  Ruth had her tumbling show off night tonight.  It was really nice and the girls all did a good job.  They gave each girl a medal and a personal certificate. Ruth got most eager because she is always wanting to learn everything.  Randy and Terri came and went out for ice cream afterwards.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel

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