Mom that is exciting that you got a washer and dryer. You are going to love it. My day was good. The work party was fun. I didn't win any of the money drawings but I did win some chocolate cover almonds. They had the best soup there. I got the recipe. It is a crock pot recipe so that makes it even better. Here is the recipe in case anyone wants to try it.
Crock Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup
1 can black beans, drained
1 can corn, drained
1 can diced tomatoes (14.5 oz)
1 packet enchilada sauce mix (or if you can't find this mild taco seasoning works well too)
1 1/2 cups water
1 can tomato sauce
1 can (10 3/4 oz) cream of chicken soup
2 cups milk
3-4 boneless chicken breasts
In crock pot mix the enchilada packet together with the water and tomato sauce. Add cream of chicken soup and milk and whisk together until smooth. Add chicken. Pour drained black beans, drained corn, and diced tomatoes on top of that. Cook on low heat for 6-8 hours. Before serving take out chicken and shred or dice, then put back in crock pot and stir it all together. Serve with sour cream, shredded cheddar cheese. lime, avocado, or tortilla chips. (They didn't put any of this extra stuff on at the party on it was still really yummy.)
Well have a great one. BYE
Friday, December 7, 2012
WE did it we bought a washer and dryer at RC Willey's. We even got 6months interest free. It is being delivered tomorrow sometime. I will call in the morning and find out a close time. I am so excited. Karen do you want to come down or do you want to wait and see if we can come up. Rachel, I am excited that you are coming down. Maybe we could ride trax again with Grandpa. Just a suggestion. What a fun weekend. I am excited. I love the birthday theme Rachel. I was going to ask you if I could buy a birthday cake for Isaac from Lee's. Think about it and we could order it on Tuesday when I am up there. I will see you all tomorrow. LOVE MOM
Last time we visited Casey's Grandma in Idaho she was telling us that she used to make fried mush and eggs and Casey really likes it. So I made it for dinner tonight and it was really cute. It was fun to eat something different. I ordered a birthday theme party for Isaac again. This time it is a train. It should be fun, I am excited. We are going to come down with Casey tomorrow to SLC. I hope that it isn't too much. Well everyone have a good night. I have a relief society breakfast in the morning and then we are heading down.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
You know the last couple of days have felt normal. I know that sounds weird but it is nice to just be normal. I have cooked dinner and done dishes and wrote on the blog and it is so nice. We went looking for a washer and dryer but didn't find exactly what I wanted. 'The hunt will continue. Rachel I am sorry you had to do time out. Man that is hard but it will be worth it in the long run. He just has to learn he can't do that. He just is learning and sometimes that can be tough. Rachel if you want to come down this weekend we would love to have you. It is up to you. Robin I am glad you get to finish up early on your play. That will give you some time to celebrate Christmas. I think we should celebrate your birthday either the 22 or 23. You decide what you want to do and we will do it. I need to start wrapping things also. I really haven't done anything since black Friday. Well have a great Friday. I am looking forward to the weekend.
Special Delivery
Karen, that is great about your house. That is going to work out really good for you. I am excited. Robin I don't think we are doing anything on the 21st. I am not sure when you want to celebrate your birthday but we were thinking of having Isaac's party on Christmas eve at lunch. Let us know what you what to do for your Birthday. Today me and Isaac delivered invitations for the Relief Society breakfast that is Sunday. It was nice to walk around but it takes so long to walk up to everyone's door. My fabric from Casey came in the mail today and it is really pretty. I am excited for Christmas. I need to wrap all the new stuff that has come. Casey is working in SLC this weekend. I might come down but I am not sure. I will let you know.
Well the closing on my house is being delayed another 3 weeks. So it will probably won't be until January. Other than that things are just the same old same old here. I got my dip all ready to go for the party tomorrow at work. I am excited to use my new three place crock pot. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope that everyone has a good one. BYE
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
we all go through it
thats funny Isaac had his first time out. Just wait till he has to clean your car for lying. I was a pro by 5. lol just kidding. life is good working and working. But the end is in sight. just a heads up the 21st I HAVE to go to a work christmas party, its just for our department. They planned it around my schedule so if I miss it I will be murdered. not really but it think it would be a close second. sorry hopefully it doesn't ruin any plans.Thanks for offering to co sign mom you guys are awesome. I will talk about it with you when I see you next. There are pluses and minuses. I really don't know if its a good idea yet. I don't want to have papers signed till I am for sure. anyway have a great night
I started quilting Robin's quilt for Karen today. I have been so worried about how to quilt it I kept thinking I could change my mind as I was marking it but now that I have started sewing there is no going back. I am liking it so far. It has been fun to do, sorry it took so long. Today was raining so we were inside for most of it. Isaac took a long nap which was nice because he needed it. We had out first time out last night. He lost it when playing with the electric train and their was no consoling him and he was hitting us, so I just put him in his crib until he calmed down. It seemed to work alright and he calmed down. He is a good boy he is just having a hard time expressing his anger lately. Well everyone have a good night and stay safe.
They have a slide show every year at work and I was on the blog today looking for pictures. Isaac has grown up so much over the year. It was just amazing to me. I really enjoyed seeing the changes. Robin I will co-sign with you if it helps keep your payments smaller. I trust you. The offer is there is you would like it. Just let me know. Not much else to report. Dad is asleep on the couch and I am playing games on the computer. We are an exciting couple. I drove to work to day and the traffic wasn't bad at all. It was nice to know I could drive and not have it a big deal. Well I am off to just do nothing. LOVE MOM
Well it couldn't be put off any longer. I had to do laundry. I am about halfway done with it. It will be nice to have to done though. My day has been good. Work was busy so it went by pretty fast. It is a little rainy here tonight. Not to badly but it is still rain. I am glad that the week is half over though. I am looking forward to the weekend. Maybe I will even get a nap. Well have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone. BYE
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
it is what it is
today was ok. nothing to amazing just work and life. I decided to consolidate my student loans through wells fargo, so I started filling out the paper work but they want a cosigner. I'm not sure if i want to go through all the trouble. It will probably be easier to stay as it is. well not to much else for me. The are for sure NOT extending the play so the 15th is the last day of christmas carol. woot. well have a great night
Not much
I am glad that Dad made it home safely. That is fun that you were able to go to lunch with everyone Mom. Karen that is dumb about the names. I can't believe how much paper work you have to do. Robin good luck with all your work. We had a good day. We went to story time but Isaac was grumpy so we had to leave. I sewed with Jenn today and that was fun. I hope that everyone have a good night and a good day tomorrow.
Home again home again jigged jig
Dad is home safe and sound and has been resting all afternoon. We are off to bed early. It is nice to have him home. I worked late because I went to lunch with them so I got home late. I hate it when it is dark when you get up and dark when you get home. I love summer time. I am going to drive to work tomorrow because we are going out to lunch and I need to drive. It will be the first time I have driven to work from our new place. Exciting I know. It is raining here also. I think it is suppose to kind of be rainy for the next couple of days. Have a great hump day. LOVE MOM
And the beat goes on
Well my day has been good. The only annoy thing was the bank didn't like the insurance papers cause they listed my name as Karen J Bodily and they wanted the papers to say Karen Bodily. So i had to call and ask them to take the J off. That has got to be the stupidest thing I have every done. Other than that my day has been good. It is kind of rainy here tonight. Hopefully it will stay rain and not snow. Well I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. BYE
Monday, December 3, 2012
do i have to
today was hard to muster. I really wanted to be lazy all day and do nothing. Not really on the agenda but what can you do. work is going well. We had a new girl start at sugar house. She has hot pink hair and everyone is busy bees about it. shes cute though I think she will do a lot better then 5 minute kid. well not to much else going on just work'n. have a great night
Almost home
I haven't heard from dad but he should be on his way home by now. He lands around 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. He is going to go see his mom when he gets home. It was a busy day and I just vegged when I got home. It was nice to do nothing. I guess I should have done something but I was tired. Nothing else to report. I am going to turn in early and just take it easy. LOVE MOM
I am glad that Karen finally made it to the Olive Garden, I hope that it was good. We didn't get any snow up here either, just rain yesterday. We had a good day. We went shopping at Sams this morning and meet Casey for lunch. A lady down the street came and visited for a while. I finished marking Karen's quilt so I am ready to quilt it. Isaac was still tired today from the weekend so we put him to bed early. I hope that it helps. I don't have anything exciting going on. I am really excited for Christmas, it will be fun. :)
Well my Monday has been good. Work went by pretty quick so that was nice. It did rain a lot here yesterday. There was no snow in Heber but there was alittle in Kamas. It did seem cold here today. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, December 2, 2012
today was good. I met up with karen and mom at olive garden. Then I did laundry and chilled. I had to write notes up for pioneer theater for someone to take my track. so that took forever. But now I am off to bed I hope everyone has a great monday
Thanks for the nice day yesterday, it was really nice. I have attached some pictures. Today was good. Isaac was tired, he did really well but his temper was a little short. This morning we went on a walk on the Bonneville shore line trail. It was really fun. Isaac wanted to walk straight up the mountain so we did a bit. He was cute. I have eaten a lot of dinosaur cookies sugar cookies today, thanks Mom, they are so good. We didn't make it to church, Isaac fell asleep at 1 and I didn't have the heart to wake him up. Casey made homemade macaroni and cheese tonight and it was really really good. He even made the noodles from scratch. We took the leftovers over to Randy's and visited with them. I hope that everyone has a good week. That would be fun for you to spend the night Mom. I am looking forward to it.
Where do the weekend goes
Thanks everyone for the fun weekend. I had such a nice time. I hate to see it end. I am sure there will be other weekends soon probably in 7 days. It is raining here also. It has been lightening and thundering also. It is suppose to clear out by morning. I just keep seeing Isaac on the train and it makes me smile. He is so cute. I have a doctor's appointment on the 11th of December. Just for a check up. I think I will come up on the 10th after work and spend the night if that is OK. Weather will be the only thing that stops me. I might even take a couple hours off and leave early. I will see what is going on with Dad's schedule. I watched Hugo on Netflix's tonight. It was a good show. Someone told me it was an amazing show to watch in 3-D. I am not a big fan of 3-D. Well have a good week. Don't work to hard.
Well I just wanted to say thanks for the fun weekend everyone. It was fun. It is raining here now. I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...