Saturday, January 16, 2016


Karen took us up to Logan today and it was so nice to see everyone.   Think all the kids grew at least an inch since last week.  They are all so cute.  Ruth is so dang cute.  Karen said that Casey makes the best taco meat.  I thought he would like to hear that.  It was really snowy in Sardine but we made it safe and sound.  Robin I just love that shield.  That is amazing.  You are so gifted.  Walter is spoiled for sure.  Everyone have a nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM

Friday, January 15, 2016


It was fun to talk on the phone, thanks for coming up tomorrow.  It will be good to see you guys.  We had a good day.  The boys slept in which was nice.  We just played this morning.  After lunch Ruth fell asleep so we went outside and shoveled the walks.  Their wasn't a lot of snow it was just mostly playing outside, it was nice to do that.  It felt good.  When Casey got home from work he took the boys shopping to get a couple things.  The girls came over around dinner time to say hi.  It was fun to see them.  Well here are a thousand more pictures.  Drive safe tomorrow.


We did it

I feel like this was the longest week ever. Today was good I was so happy it was friday. I was surprised we didn't get very much snow. Everyone had me so worried at work that it would be a blizzard. I decided to make walter a shield for his birthday. I had him send me his favorite shield art and I elborated on it. I put a picture of what he gave me and the wood burning is what I did tonight. I got the shield at scheels for 5 bucks so I thought it was fun. Everyone have fun this weekend. I have ruth's present from the eliesons but I will give that to you later rachel. It's some cute little shoes and a book. Have a good night



It was nice to talk with everyone tonight.  I love the blog but sometimes it is just nice to hear a voice.  We are planning on Logan in the morning and Robin we can be really flexible on Walter's Birthday.  What ever he wants to do.  Work was good and I am getting caught back up.  Everyone have a great weekend.  LOVE MOM


Yea it's the weekend. We hardly got any snow here today. I kept expecting to get a lot so it was nice not having to shovel. Work went good. It only dragged a little bit near the end of the day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, January 14, 2016


That would be fun to have you guys come up on Saturday.  Mandi and Charlotte are around but I am not sure of what their plans are but we can all hang out together.  Thanks for coming up. Today was a busy day.  Ruth had a doctors appointment this morning.  Randy came over and watched the boys and then took Isaac to school.  Her appointment went well, the doctor couldn't hear her heart murmur which is really good.  She is 8# 8 oz and growing really well.  It snowed a little today.  Randy and the boys shoveled when they got back and had fun.  Me and Isaac were able to play legos for a while and that was nice to have some down time.  Casey's family came over and hung out all night.  It was fun, they got taco time and brought it over for dinner.  Isaac was so hyper, he loves the attention.  It was another late night for them but we had a fun time.  I am glad that everyone is doing good and I hope that you have a great Friday.


Can I come also?

Karen, can I come with you to Logan?  I would like to hang out also.  Robin, I didn't have any plans for Walter's birthday, I just thought it would be fun to do something for him.  Do you want to do something on Saturday?  I met up with Kay, Julie and Jeff for dinner.  It was nice to visit.  No new gossip.  Work was good, I am glad that it is Friday.  I hope we don't get 7 inches of snow.  That is a lot of snow.  There was even a little bit of blue ski today in between the snow.  Have a great Friday.  January is half over.  We can do it.  LOVE MOM


Well the prestorm today dropped about an inch today. So i had to shovel after work today. Rachel if the weather is okay i was thinking of coming up around lunch time on Saturday. Well i hope everyone has a great Friday. Bye


Mom i forgot to answer you blog question about walter birthday. I am not sure what will be best. We don't have to do a party or anything. He has a crazy schedule with school but I will see what's up. What were you guys thinking??? Anyway today is good. Work was good. I am working scheels tonight. I am tired. I'm trying to drink more water and it's making me so tired not having caffeine. Tomorrow its suppose to snow 7 inchs from some weather reports. Drive safe. Have a good friday


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

It's almost over

Today was good. The days are just moving slow. It's a long week. Other than that work was good. Trucking along. I might get to go to Chicago in march for shows. So I'm hoping they need additional people. It would be fun. The snow is thursday and Friday so be safe. I work at scheels tomorrow so that will be a slow night.


Nice day

Today went well.  Randy picked up and dropped off Isaac at school.  The girls went with him to pick him up and they visited for a while.  They headed up to Idaho to spend the day with Calleen and they are spending the night.  Oliver slept well last night and Ruth did also.  She went right back to sleep after I fed her.  I hope that tonight goes just as well.  I am tired of the cold also.  I am ready for warm spring days.  Everyone have a good night.


I am so ready for spring

OK I am tired of Winter.  I really don't want it to snow tomorrow.  I am suppose to meet Kay and Julie for dinner tomorrow.  Robin, I hope you had a better day today.  Are we doing something for Walter's birthday.  I have a work dinner on Friday but other than that I am free.  Not much else going on with us either.  Work was good and I am ready for Friday.  I haven't worked a full week in 4 weeks.  This is kind of brutal but I am making.  It gets easier when you don't have so many days off.  Rachel, those pictures are so dang cute.  Thanks for posting them for me.  I am glad that Randy got Isaac to school and back home.  That really does help.  Karen good luck with the snow.  LOVE MOM


Well the week is half over, yeah. Of course it is suppose to snow tomorrow. Work went good, nothing too wild and crazy to report there. I do go and mail some bills off after work exciting I know. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

slept through that one

I am sorry I am late blogging.  I closed my eyes when I got home from work and that was the last thing I remember.  I slept all evening.  I was tired.  My stomach wasn't feeling very well.  I am sorry Robin you had a bad time.  I hate this time of year.  Everything seems to just drag on.  I am glad you got a nap Rachel.  That is going to save your life.  I hope Randy is taking Isaac to school today. Everyone have a good hump day.  We can make it through the week.  I am glad taco Tuesday went well.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


I am sorry you had a bad day Robin, I hope the rest of the week is better.  I am glad that Taco Tuesday went well for you Karen, that sounds so delicious.  Today was really good.  We just went slow this morning and the boys didn't get dressed until lunch.  Randy took the boys sledding after lunch and kept them until dinner.  Me and Casey napped and it was really nice.  I even sewed for a minute.  My visiting teaching companion brought over dinner which was really sweet.  Casey had scouts this evening and then Mandi and Charlotte came over and visited for a while.  It was good to see them.  It was a late night for the boys and Isaac fell asleep really fast, poor kid.  Well Casey goes back to work tomorrow, I am going to miss him.  Wish me luck.


Walking through mud

Sorry I didn't blog last night. It was a bad day and I fell asleep early. Yesterday I took my trash out and step on a tac that made it to my foot. Then I went on break and went to 7-11. On my way back I got pulled over for "rolling" through the stop sign. I didn't stop long enough. So stupid. Luckily I only got a warning. Today went by slow but it wasn't a terrible day. I came home and did laundry so I am just trying to find motivation to deep clean but it might not happen. We will see. Have a good one


and the week moves on

Well taco Tuesday was good. The Graco people just went over how sales and everything for the company was for the year. The food was good the presentation was a little dull but I made it thru. I was looking at the weather and it is supposed to turn snowy on Thursday till Monday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, January 11, 2016


Good job making it back to work Mom, it is always hard to go back.  Casey said that their was a line which is crazy at 10:30 on a Monday.  A guy in line said that in malad their was a huge line that spiraled around the store.  Everyone has lottery fever.  Casey took Isaac to school and then got Ruth's birth certificate and a lottery ticket.  Oliver would not nap this afternoon and Ruth wouldn't either.  They were both kind of fussy today.  We ended up just playing and it was nice.  It was nice to just spend some time playing with them.  My visiting teacher brought over some dinner which was really nice of her. Well everyone have a good night and a good day tomorrow.


I forgot to put this one on

Oliver didn't want his picture taken

I did it

I made it through Monday.  I have a lot of work to do but I will get it done.  I just am not that stressed about it.  I just loved my time off.  Everyone loved the pictures and thought they were professional.  Rachel you did a great job.  Karen good luck with Taco Tuesday.  That makes me smile every time I write it.  I am glad you are feeling better.  Robin I hope you had a nice evening off.  Dad's side hurt so we just put heat on it and he rested.  I think he pulled something.  It was a pretty day outside today.  It was nice to see sunshine.  Dad was curious how long Casey had to wait in line to get a lottery ticket.  I hope he wins mega bucks.  He has to buy dinner if he wins :) Everyone have a great Tuesday.  I can't believe how fast time is going.  LOVE MOM


 Well I made it thru Monday. Work was busy so it went by fast. It was cold here today. Tomorrow is taco Tuesday. We have visitors from Graco coming to speak to us. Café Rio is catering so the food will be good. I hope everyone had a great Monday.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Day Off

We had a quiet day also and it was really nice.  Oliver slept all night which was really good.  Ruth is doing really well and sleeping and eating good.  A lady in our ward brought a meal over last night so we had that for lunch.  Randy and Terry brought over dinner and visited for a while.  Everyone has been really sweet.  This morning we just read books and played.  Oliver took a good nap and Ruth slept while he was asleep.  We put on a hot wheels movie and took a nap also.  It was nice.  It is so hard to go back to work when you have been gone for a week.  Thanks for all your help Mom, we miss you.  I am glad that you had a day to rest.



Well I had a quiet day also. I did get my laundry so that is nice. I am feel better mom. Robin I feel the same way about inventory. It just seems like a big waste of time. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Today was ok. I mostly worked at scheels. They made me stay late to do inventory. Such a waste of time. Their inventory is so inefficient. It hurts my heart. So not much else with me. I just work at maggie tomorrow so that will be nice


Quiet day

Grandma had pink eye today so she didn't want to go out.  We slept in and then went to Target to get a Tupperware container for our Legos and I found the cutes Valentine dress for Ruth.  It was so dang cute.  We came home and I did laundry and we just watched Netflixs.  It was a day off for sure.  I hope everyone else had a good day.  I hope that Oliver slept last night.  Karen I hope you are feeling better and Robin, I hope you survive your 12 hour work day.  I am not looking forward to work tomorrow.  Bet you it takes me most of the morning just to do emails.  I haven't even looked.  I decided I was just going to have a quiet day and not see what was going on at work.  Everyone have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...