Thursday, January 14, 2016


That would be fun to have you guys come up on Saturday.  Mandi and Charlotte are around but I am not sure of what their plans are but we can all hang out together.  Thanks for coming up. Today was a busy day.  Ruth had a doctors appointment this morning.  Randy came over and watched the boys and then took Isaac to school.  Her appointment went well, the doctor couldn't hear her heart murmur which is really good.  She is 8# 8 oz and growing really well.  It snowed a little today.  Randy and the boys shoveled when they got back and had fun.  Me and Isaac were able to play legos for a while and that was nice to have some down time.  Casey's family came over and hung out all night.  It was fun, they got taco time and brought it over for dinner.  Isaac was so hyper, he loves the attention.  It was another late night for them but we had a fun time.  I am glad that everyone is doing good and I hope that you have a great Friday.


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