Saturday, July 18, 2020


We went to kamas today. We met in Park City and had lunch. We worked in the pond and did yard work. It was nice to be outside.  I hope everyone had a nice Saturday. We are going to bear lake tomorrow. Love mom


That is such a nice anniversary present.  I hope you had a wonderful time Robin.  We did have a really fun time for Rachel's birthday.  I forgot to blog last night so I thought I would do it today.  We are going up to Karen's house this afternoon to help her with her presentation and yard.  We are going to Bear Lake on Sunday to hang out with Rachel.  Not much else to report on my end.  LOVE MOM

Friday, July 17, 2020

Thank you

Thank you guys for such a wonderful birthday and the wonderful gifts.  I am so so spoiled.  Love you guys.  We had a really fun day.  We went to the fabric store and Mom got me fabric for my birthday.  It was fun.  We went to fugies for lunch and it was so much fun.  The kids loved having the food cooked in front of them.  They were cute.  Lagoon was fun.  It wasn't crowded and we didn't have to wait in any lines.  The kids did the rocko plane a hundred time.  Isaac loved the Cannibal and Oliver loved Colossus.  I was so worried he would fall out but he was fine and loved it.  When we got home Casey had made me a cake and I opened presents.  The kids were excited and it was really fun.  Love you guys.



Robin, I hope that you have a fun anniversary. My day was good. I am glad that the weekend is here. My laptop isn't going to be here until Tuesday, but it has been shipped so that is good I guess. So I worked on my final project for logistics. It is a little annoying doing a power point without a mouse but i am making it thru. I am feeling less stress now that I have a good part of that done. Work was good. Nothing too exciting there. It did drag the last hour of the day, but that is usual for a Friday. i am glad that you guys had a fun time at Lagoon. I hope that you had a fun birthday Rachel. BYE

happy birthday

Hope you had a good birthday rachel.  Glad the kids rode some fun rides. Jeramy took me to tuscanos and had his niece come over and watch Jenkins. Then he got a room at anniversary in .we are in the hawaii room. It was sweet of him. I put pictures below my holly hocks bloomed today they were pretty


Thursday, July 16, 2020

Safe and sound

Rachel and the kids made it safe and sound. Isaac got car sick so it took them a little longer. We went to liberty park and that was fun to feed the ducks. Robin your flowers look amazing. They will always look droopy in July but they will snap back when it cools off a little bit. Karen good luck with your paper. U am glad your computer is fixed. Two more weeks and you will be done. Love mom ❤️


I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. My day was good. Work went by a little slow but I made it through. After work I came home and just read some stuff. It was a pretty chill day. I hope you guys have fun at Lagoon tomorrow and Happy Birthday tomorrow Rachel. Bye

day 2

I had the day off again and it was nice I felt productive. I woke up and put an edger around the flower beds. They were looking sad. So I weeded and edged them. Hopefully the ones that are Droopy wake up. But it looks nicer now I think. Then I made chocolate chip cookies and painted my 3d prints I needed to get to. I also printed a dragon fly that I liked so I made 2 of them. We took Jenkins on a walk and had tacos for dinner. Now we are just watching alone the older seasons. Just to relax and veg 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Hump day

Well I made it through half of the week.  It was hard to focus today but I made it through.  On my lunch hour I went and mailed my taxes and went to Walmart to walk around.  We hooked up with Kay and Julie at a park for dinner.  It was nice to visit.  Jeff didn't make it.  He was nervous about coming out.  It felt so nice to be outside.  WE took camping chairs and sat 6 feet apart.  Robin, I a jealous you get days off.  That is fun to just play.  I hope you have a nice anniversary vacation.  Karen good luck with your paper.  I hope you get all your phrase correct.  He seems to be very picky about his writing.  Rachel, I hope you had a nice day also.  I am going into work tomorrow.  I have to be there at 730 so it is going to be different than waking up at 745 and hitting work at 8.  I might even have to put a bra on  :).  LOVE YOU LOTS MOM


Today was good but not as fun as yesterday.  I went to exercise class and two people told me I was looking skinny.  I don't think I am but it was nice of them.  I am working on my final project for my certificate.  We can choose any topic and then write a report and show our analysis and graphs.  We have to use the Foursquare API so I picked Park.  My topic is does Logan need another park.  I was looking at population but it wasn't working so now I am looking at arces and I think that is a better route.  We just played at home.  It was watering day so the kids played in the sprinklers.  Roxanna invited Isaac and Beth over to talk with the missionaries and play games.  He had a fun time.  He liked playing with his friends.  We went on a walk after.  Tony was hot so he kept wanting to rest.  Love you guys and it is almost my birthday!!


day off

Today was nice. We slept in and then drove down to shane co to get my ring cleaned for the warranty. Then we went to fuji's for lunch. Once we got home we napped. It was jeramys friends bday so we walked down to their house with Jenkins and said hi. They just bought a new mini van. It was nice. We were going to hit the food trucks but it was so hot out we just went home and relaxed and watched alone. 



Things are going good here. Work is moving along. I am just updating exploded views. It is a little tedious but I am making my way thru them. The after work I started work on my final project for logistics. It is slow going but I think that it will turn out good. I am glad that the week is half over. It has seemed like a long week for some reason. I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Rachel, I am jealous.  What a fun day.  I am glad you went there.  That is the perfect place.  I am glad that Tony did well.  I think that is so neat he waited for Oliver to be OK.  That made my day.  Karen, I am glad you had short meetings today.  Robin, I am so glad you are taking some time off for your year anniversary.  What a fun time.  You enjoy your time together.  I hope there is a fun surprise awaiting for you.  :)  Not much going on with us.  Dad is working full time now at work so at lunch I went to Smiths and walked around.  I really need to move a little more when I am working from home.  After dinner we went to the Valley Fair Mall and walked around and then went to the Hobby Lobby.  It was nice to walk around.  I think tomorrow at lunch I am going to Walmart and walk around.  It is nice to get out of the house for awhile.  Thursday, I have to go into work early to do screenings.  We aren't taking temperatures any more so that will make it a lot easier.  I mostly just talk with people and get caught back up.  Everyone enjoy Wednesday.  LOVE MOM


I'm finally done with work for the feels so good. I'm excited. I mowed the lawn and made tin foil dinners. Nothing to wild. Hope everyone has a good day.


Today was good.  I took Tony on my walk this morning and it went better.  He is getting better at walks and we had a good time.  Around 11 we picked up some sandwiches and drove up to Tony's Grove.  We had a really fun time.  I love it up there.  Their are a ton of wildflower's and it is so pretty.  Tony did really well.  He got nervous when we were wadding in the lake.  I am not sure of it was the water or all the people.  Everyone thought he was so cute.  We hiked around the lake and it was so fun.  Oliver did fall and hurt his knee but I had a bandaid.  Tony was worried about him and wouldn't walk until he knew Oliver was better.  We came home and watched a movie which was nice to rest.  After dinner we went and got Karie Ann's and picked up Casey's car from his work.  Casey also fixed the first step, it was too wide.  It looks a lot better.  Love you guys.



My day was good. It was meeting day,  but it was shorter than usual because there was another meeting that needed the room. For lunch I got a burger and fries at hi-mountain. It tasted really good. Then after work I came home and worked on my logistics paper. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, July 13, 2020

Quiet Day

Dad went to work this morning and worked all day.  I guess that is going to be the new norm.  Batell wants to buy one I guess.  It feels like ground hog day movie to me.  I worked from home today and at lunch I turned on Monk and left it on for the noise.  It was funny because I got the Are you still watching sign.  Robin you must have ESP.  Karen, I hope your back feels better soon.  You don't have a kidney stone do you?  Is it move over your ribs?  I was worried about that one.  Rachel, I am glad the kids are excited for your birthday.  That makes it fun.  Ruth was organizing it all at Lagoon.  She is getting big.  Not much else to report.  We just watched Harry Potter tonight and Life in Pieces.  Everyone enjoy your Tuesday.  I am jealous Robin that you only have to work one more day.  I am going to take Friday off for Rachel's birthday.  Isaac is going to ride Cannibal with Rachel for her birthday.  Everyone be safe.  LOVE MOM


Today was ok. Jeramy had the day off and I was working. I have Wednesday thru Friday off. Then after work we just relaxed and watched t.v it was so hot outside. I'm glad tomorrow is my last work day.i need a break. 


Good luck with all your school work Karen.  You are doing a great job.  Today was good.  We went to exercise class.  We did circuits today and it is hard.   Mom got Ruth some cookie cutters so we made sugar cookies.  I was out of eggs so I had to run to the store first. We went to the jump some this afternoon.  No one was there at first and then kids built a big castle with the foam squares.  They were sad when they had to take it down.  Casey took the kids to Joann's to get me a birthday present.  They are cute.  When they got home we took Tony on a walk.  Oliver was doing good holding his leash.  Love you guys and have a good night.



My day was good. I pulled something in my back yesterday and it was still sore today. I am hoping it gets better soon. Work was busy so it went by pretty quickly. Then I came home and did more homework. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, July 12, 2020


We hooked up with the Anderson bunch for Lagoon today.  There weren't many people there and it was nice.  We swam which was so nice because it cooled me down.  Rattle Snake Rapids also helped.  We had a really good time and Isaac rode on a lot of huge rides.  He is so brave.  My bread was moldy for dinner so that was the only problem we  had all day.  Not much else to report.  I did come home and work for a little bit.  Payroll Monday is alive and well.  Everyone enjoy your week.  Robin have fun with time off.  LOVE MOM


Well I got logistics read and my quiz taken. I still have a short paper to write but it shouldn't be too bad. Then all I have left is the final project in that class. Other than class work I did laundry and then took a nap. I hope you guys survived Lagoon and didn't get heat stroke. It hit 100 here so it must have been roasting down where you were. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...