Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Today was good but not as fun as yesterday.  I went to exercise class and two people told me I was looking skinny.  I don't think I am but it was nice of them.  I am working on my final project for my certificate.  We can choose any topic and then write a report and show our analysis and graphs.  We have to use the Foursquare API so I picked Park.  My topic is does Logan need another park.  I was looking at population but it wasn't working so now I am looking at arces and I think that is a better route.  We just played at home.  It was watering day so the kids played in the sprinklers.  Roxanna invited Isaac and Beth over to talk with the missionaries and play games.  He had a fun time.  He liked playing with his friends.  We went on a walk after.  Tony was hot so he kept wanting to rest.  Love you guys and it is almost my birthday!!


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...