Saturday, October 10, 2020


 Me and mom ran to Walmart this morning and I am all set for the trip. I just need to make cookies. My brown sugar was hard so I put a damp paper towel in my container to soften it. I also got my dishes done. Tomorrow I am going to make cookies, do laundry, and make cookies. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Friday, October 9, 2020

We did it

 We made it to Friday. Karen came down and we went to Costco and got some stuff for the trip. She is spending the night but going home in the morning she doesn't feel good. Bad cough and doesn't want to go to lagoon or wedding. Robin that is exciting about the cutting board that will make a beautiful island. You are spoiled. Drive safe rachel. Love mom


It was so nice it was Friday. I've worked so many hours over the week I left at 3 I made a blanket for jeramys friend that is having a baby. I tried the chenille the edge but i think I did it wrong I should have put it closer to the edge. But I will try it again to trial run it. Jeramy surprised me today with a long butcher block. We saw them on home depot for sale and I want to make a kitchen island. So after work he bought it for me as a surprise. It was fun
.then we went to blaze pizza and relaxed



 Thanks for the info Mom.  We are going to have a fun time.  I can't believe it is next week.  Today was another busy day.  Casey worked from home because of his cold.  I walked this morning and that was nice.  I had a playdate set up for Ruth and for some reason I said 10 so I missed exercise class.  Then she called and moved it to 11 so it would be warmer.  So I was able to finish the first week of my math class.  We went over what a derivative is and it was a really good.  It was really good to go over everything and it was fun.  We had the playdate the park and the girls had fun I had fun talking to her Mom.  It was fun time.  We came home and had a quick lunch and went back to the park to do visiting teaching.  We got done and we walked to get the boys.  Tony got all muddy so Casey gave him a bath.  We just watched a show after dinner.  No homework which is always nice.  We are headed down tomorrow.  We will leave around 10.  I will text when we head out.  Love you guys.



Thursday, October 8, 2020


 Just to get your really excited for the trip.  

Bryce Canyon National Park

For a truly jaw-dropping spectacle, be sure to visit the wind and water-carved landscape of Bryce Canyon National Park. Its horseshoe-shaped amphitheaters at the edge of the Paunsaugunt Plateau provide a feast for the eyes. According to the National Park Service, the area boasts some of the world’s best air quality, which allows for panoramic views of three states and nearly 200 miles of visibility.

As part of the old stomping ground of infamous outlaw Butch Cassidy, the area retains a flavor of the Old West. Horseback rides, rodeos, chuckwagon dinners—this is just a small taste of what awaits you when you visit.

Hike, ride bikes, or take the park shuttle to viewpoints along the canyon rim. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, you can even tackle some of the trails that go into the amphitheater.


 I couldn't sleep last night so I flamed out around 3 but I made it to the end of the day.  I did go to work today and it was nice to visit.  I needed to go to Sprouts after work and so we stopped at McDonalds because it was right in the parking lot.  I got a Big Mac and it tasted good.  I did fall asleep though the movie.  I am glad that Oliver is feeling better and I am glad Karen that you were feeling better also.  Karen is coming down tomorrow night.  Rachel what is your plan for this weekend?  I wasn't sure since you have sickness.  I am good with anything. Well have a nice Friday.  I am so excited for next week.  I only have to work 3 days and then I am on vacation.  That sounds so nice.  LOVE MOM 


 Today was busy but it was good.  Oliver made it back to school and seemed a lot better today.  Casey isn't feeling good so he worked at home again.  I volunteered in Isaac's class this morning.  Then we worked at preschool.  Oliver had a dentist appointment after school to get sealants on his new molars.  It is Ivy's birthday today so we stopped and got a present for her.  After dinner we went to Randy's and had a party for Ivy.  She is really cute and it was fun.  She sweet and gave the kids all a balloon.  Isaac had a book report that is due tomorrow so we gave home and finished that up.  The weather is so pretty and warm in the afternoons.  I hope you guys have a good Friday.




Today was good. I made it out alive. Nothing to wild for today just living the dream 


 I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. My day was good. Work is just the usual. Then I came home and did my class partisapation discussion for the week. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Hump day

 We made it half way. That is good. I am sorry you don't feel good karen. I hope Oliver starts to fill better. I hate coughs. Robin I am glad you went out for dinner. I made tuna noodle casserole and it tasted so good. Not much going on with us. The printer part that dad glued broke but the parts we ordered came a while ago so he can fix it. I am going into work tomorrow. Love ❤️


 I hope you aren't getting sick Karen.  Oliver stayed home again today.  He just has a cough but he is feeling good.  Casey starred not feeling good so he worked from home today which is nice.  I picked up Oliver's missed work and we did that today and that felt good to get caught up.  Casey woke up early so we walked together this morning which was nice.  I went to exercise class and then took Ruth to school.  I was able to get a bit done in my math class also.  Isaac needed to bring leaves for an art project so after homework we found leaves and pressed them in books.  I hope it works ok.  Isaac also made another video.  He is having fun and is so excited. Hopefully tomorrow Oliver will be able to make it to school.  He really wants to go back.




Today was alright work was busy as usual. Then me and Jeramy went to black bear diner for dinner. It was tasty then we just relaxed. Nothing to wild



 Well I feel like I am coming down with something. I think it is just allergy caused though. I still went to work all day. It was just the usual for a Wednesday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


 My day was good. It was meeting day so that took up half my day. I really don't have much to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 It was a normal day for me. Just worked. I am glad jeramy is getting help. I hope it helps him. I hope Oliver starts to feel better soon. Nothing else to report. Love mom


This morning Jeramy had another bad anexity attackm so he called into his doctor today to work on medication that will help. Work was busy today. Then I took Jenkins on a walk so Jeramy could talk to the doctor with out Jenkins barking and running about. 


 Oliver still has a cough so we kept him home again.  I had him rest all day and he didn't cough much today.  I walked this morning the dark isn't bothering me as much.  I finished the linear algebra class.  It was a broad overview of linear algebra.  Next is multi variable calculus.  Ruth had school and the kids just watched movies all day so Oliver could rest.  Isaac the last two days has walked home with his friends.  I drive over to get him and then he doesn't want to drive home with me.  Mom bought us little caesars pizza for dinner at Oliver's request.  Thanks Mom and Dad.  It was absolutely insane there and I may never ever eat there again.  It was chaos.  Someone booed us and left treats on our door so we had to do the same for two other houses.  So we walked Tony and dropped them off.  Isaac was trying to put a program together for another video but his program wasn't working and it was time for bed.  Maybe tomorrow he will get it.  I finished another pin cushion.  They are cute and fun.



Monday, October 5, 2020


 It was a busy day at my work also.  It was payroll Monday and I got a ton of emails for me to set up meetings.  It will keep me busy for the rest of the week.  I did go to Smith's at lunch time and walked around and got me some chocolate syrup for my icecream.  After work dad took me to the mall and we had dinner and walked around.  Where children's place use to be they are opening a Red Balloon toy store.  That should be fun.  I like that place.  Karen, I did read over your paper and sent you comments.  Susan called us tonight and said that Mel's sister passed away.  She was 99 years old.  I hope Oliver gets feeling better.  Robin, I hope your crater isn't a spider bit.  Let me know if you need any help.  You can call connect care and show them it over the phone and they can give you medicine if you need it.  It is really cheap.  I love the Utube that Isaac made.  It is amazing.  He is so smart.  Well have a nice Tuesday.  I was looking at the calendar and next week is our VACATION.  I must say that made my whole day.  



 Oliver still has a cough so we kept him home today.  He isn't sick just congested.  I worked at preschool so Casey stayed home with him and just worked from home.  I think it went ok.  Ruth had dance class this afternoon so I left preschool so a bit to drop her off.  She had a fun time and loves it there.  After school we finished the you tube video and got it posted.  Thanks for watching.  Isaac was excited.  After dinner and homework we watched a movie for a bit.  Love you guys 




 Things are going good here. I got up and went to work, which is alway tough on a Monday. Work was good a little quiet but I made it through. Then after work I watched school lectures. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


I finished my benches it was nice. Work was busy today. I have this crater of a zit on my cheek. Jeramy looked at it and said it looks more like a spider bite. We took Jenkins on a walk and had some warm up roast Jeramy smoked on Sunday. It was good. Isaacs YouTube video was cute

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Lazy Day

 We had a lazy day.  I slept in and then we watched conference.  We did go to the Chinese market and get Ramon Noodles and then game home and I slept through the second session of Conference.  We did buy a couple of new movies and we watched those.  It was fun.  Dad bought Father Goose and it was nice to watch.  Rachel you are working up a storm.  I hope Oliver gets feeling better.  Karen, I am glad you got some school work done.  I spaced the instructions but I will do that tomorrow, I promise. Robin, I hope you had a nice day as well.  LOVE MOM 


 Ruth lost another tooth last night and the tooth fairy left some money under her pillow.  Her and Casey went and to Walmart to spend it.  She bought a pet doctor kit.  Oliver is congested I think it is because of the smoke.  He was the first awake so we went to the store to get him some medicine.  He has been wanting some bey blades so I got him one of those.  The kids all bring them to school and play with them at recess.  When we were walking to the car he said There is only one problem, I am worried they, the bey blades kids, are going to make me join their gang and then I won't be able to play with my friend.  He is so cute, I have been laughing about that all day.  The Bey bases are hard to do though.  We were practicing and it is hard.  I sew this morning which was fun.  I made another pin cushion and the Ewe hot pad.  Casey finished staining the deck.  We made pineapple upside cake because they made it on the great british baking show.  For dinner we went to Randy's and had hamburgers and hot dogs.  It was good to see them, it had been a while.  It was a fun night.  I am going to work at Ruth's school tomorrow so it should be fun but busy day.  Love you guys.




 Things are going good here in Kamas. I took a nap this afternoon, it was nice. Then after dinner I watch quality lectures on ho to do P charts and Np Charts. I still have more more lecture to go in quality on C charts but I ran out of motivation. I will watch it tomorrow night. SO nothing too exciting here. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...