Sunday, October 4, 2020


 Ruth lost another tooth last night and the tooth fairy left some money under her pillow.  Her and Casey went and to Walmart to spend it.  She bought a pet doctor kit.  Oliver is congested I think it is because of the smoke.  He was the first awake so we went to the store to get him some medicine.  He has been wanting some bey blades so I got him one of those.  The kids all bring them to school and play with them at recess.  When we were walking to the car he said There is only one problem, I am worried they, the bey blades kids, are going to make me join their gang and then I won't be able to play with my friend.  He is so cute, I have been laughing about that all day.  The Bey bases are hard to do though.  We were practicing and it is hard.  I sew this morning which was fun.  I made another pin cushion and the Ewe hot pad.  Casey finished staining the deck.  We made pineapple upside cake because they made it on the great british baking show.  For dinner we went to Randy's and had hamburgers and hot dogs.  It was good to see them, it had been a while.  It was a fun night.  I am going to work at Ruth's school tomorrow so it should be fun but busy day.  Love you guys.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...