Saturday, July 14, 2018

The deck is done

I love your hair Robin, you are beautiful.  I need to cut my hair.  Ruthie is doing really well.  We watched a lot of movies and sat on the deck.  Casey finished staining the deck so we are officially done with the deck, yea.  It feels so good to be done.  The trampoline broke so yesterday we got a new one.  We assembled it after dinner and Dad had the kids be in charge.  It was a lot of fun and the boys loved it.  Ruthie loves her new shoes Karen and wore then all day, thank you.  They are pretty.  We played games this evening and it was a lot of fun.  Here are a ton of pictures, love you guys.



Cute hair Robin. Good job. I got up this morning and mowed my lawn while it was cool. I got all my front and half the back mowed. Then it started raining so I gave up on it after that. I am glad that Ruth is going good. Have a good one. Bye

Day 2

Today was good. Ruth did really good. She was sad when it was bed time  but I think she had a big day. She ate chips for dinner. Robin I love your hair so cute. Karen I am glad you got your lawn mowed. We are going to go home after dinner tomorrow. Live you mom


Today was good. I slept in and then relaxed. I went and cut it was fun. It's short now. Then I went to the gym. I cleaned my craft room a bit and found my ruler. I was excited. Tomorrow I am hoping to work in some projects. I hope everyone had a good day.


Friday, July 13, 2018

So far so good

Ruth did really well around 6 she started not feeling bad but I think she was tired. They bought a new trampoline and we put that together. We also put the last of the railing on.  The deck is done. It is so prettt and nice to sit outside on it. Have a nice weekend. Rubin your quilt is amazing.  Karen I am glad your tooth is ready for a tooth. Love ya mom


Today was good. It went by fast. Im.glad ruth was out of surgery quickly. I hope she recovers fast. I was going to work on Karen's table runner but I cleaned my craft room and organized my ruler somewhere. So I decided to look tomorrow. I hope you have a good Saturday



My day was good. It was quiet in the engineering room today. I was the only one in there. I did get a bunch of stuff done. I left at 3 so I could get my stud checked out. It checked out good. Then I went grocery shopping. That about sums up my day. I am glad that Ruth is doing good and that the surgery went well. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye

Thursday, July 12, 2018


Mom and Dad made it safe.  Ruth is going into surgery at 8:30 tomorrow.  We will keep everyone updated.  Thanks for the balloon and candy Karen.  I love your quilt Robin.  It is amazing and I love it. Today we picked up Leona and took her to the bank and Walmart which was fun.  We ran to petsmart after we dropped her off.  We had lunch and then the kids had a primary water party at the park.  They had a really fun time and were happy afterwards.   I had book group tonight which was fun also.  It is nice to talk with everyone.  My couch came today which was early and we set it up, I love it. I will keep you guys updated tomorrow. 


At work they were throwing away all this stuff they said we could take. So I took two mannequins so that was fun. I also finished my elephant I was excited to finally have it done. It has taken so long. Good luck tomorrow with the tonsils. Let me know if you need anything



My day was good. Work was pretty quiet so that was nice. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Good luck with all the tonsil stuff tomorrow. Have a great Friday everyone. Bye

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

So close

I like.the deck rachel good job. Today was busy but I made it out alive. We had a staff meeting on benefits and it was boring and long. I am almost done embroidering my elephant I'm hoping I can finish tonight. Then I just have to bind the edges. Have a good one



Thank for coming up Mom and Dad, we really appreciate it.  Today was good.  They had a library splash party this morning so we went to that.  They had big blow up water slides.  Isaac was the only one that liked them and he had a good time.  They had some squirt guns that Oliver liked but it was tough filling them up.  After lunch we ran some errands.  We went to Lowe's and got more stain and some pots for some cactus the kids bought yesterday.  Then we went to sam's to get batteries for the deck lights and we had a snack their.  The kids were hot so they watched a show and I finished staining the deck, it looks really good.  After dinner Casey finished putting up the wood and we put up the sun shade.  We needed some hardware to tack it down so we rode our bikes to Lowes.  It was fun to ride and the kids are getting good.  When we got home their were a lot of firetrucks next to the canal so we walked over.  It was a brush fire that caught a tree on fire.  The fire was out by the time we got their.  Thanks for coming up again.  Love you guys.


They went on the roof to put the sun shade on

Hump day

It didn't seem like Wednesday today, more like a Monday.  It was quiet at my place also and I got a lot of work done.  Dad went home at noon so I rode trax to Smiths and he picked me up after work.  I needed to buy some treats for a party on Friday and I am not going to be there.  Smiths didn't have any nice pants for Isaac.  I am worried they aren't stocking them anymore.  I will continue to look for them.  Maybe they are just getting ready for school clothes.  We are going to Logan after work.  We are going to come home and pack up and leave.  I am worried the chocolate Karen bought Ruth will melt and that way dad can go home early and take a nap if he needs to.  Miss the rush hour traffic.  Everyone have a great Thursday.  I can't believe how fast July is going.  LOVE MOM


My day was good.  It was a quietish day. There are a bunch of people gone . Andy bought all of us in engineering lunch today.  That was nice and it tasted really good.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


I'm glad the allergist went well Karen. It sucks to have allergies but at least you know what's causing it. I love your patio furniture rachel I'm excited to relax on it. I'm glad the lavender oil is working mom. If you need more I can pick some up. My day was good nothing exciting. It was hot today. I worked some more on my elephant. Have a good one



I am glad that you guys had a fun day.  I am sorry that you have allergies Karen.  I was hopping you didn't have them.  Dang it.  It was a hot day today again.  We went to summer reading this morning and then went to Lee's to stock up on ice cream and Popsicle for Ruth.  A lady I visiting teach birthday was today so we dropped some chocolate off for her.  I thought it would be really fast but we ended up staying an hour.  It drives me crazy.  We spent the rest of the afternoon going outside watching them cut down the neighbors tree with a crane and then coming in to cool off.  When Casey came home we picked up Leona and headed up to Clifton.  It was a fun time and we stayed later than we were planning.  It was a nice evening.  Everyone have a good night.


My new patio sofa

Nice day

I went to work for a couple of hours and then played with Karen.  It was a nice day.  Dad wasn't feeling very well so he stayed home.  He did go to lunch with us.  Not much else to report.  Karen got these battleship targets and the targets were very small.  She sank my battleship.  Rachel congratulations on getting your patio furniture.  That will be fun.  Robin, I hope all is well at work.  Everyone have a good hump day.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I drove out to Tooele and got my garage door opener. It is nice to have. Then me and mom went shooting. It was fun. Then lunch and then the allergist. I have moderate allergies 3 on the scale for trees, grasses, ragweed, and sagebrush. I am also a 2 for dust, cats, dogs, and birds. So my allergies are bad in spring, summer, and fall. But he said over the counter drugs are good, but if they don't I can do the shots. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, July 9, 2018

Back to it

Today was good it was busy but I made it out. My boss is back from England but not a lot changed on my end. I worked on my elephant quilt today. My machine was working so it was fun to get a good chunk done. Hope your car is still awesome Karen.:) have a good tues.



Does lavender oil help rashes?  I might try that on my elbow.  Today was good.  Oliver slept in Isaac's room last night and they were really happy this morning.  They are going to do it again tonight.  I cut the boys hairs this morning.  I like it.  We visited Leona this evening and she thought they were kind of short and she misses Isaac's curls.  Isaac went and played with his friend Henry this afternoon.  I took the little kids to the cheese factory and we got chocolate milk for when Ruth is sick.  We looked for some patio furniture without any luck.  When Isaac came home we made necklaces which was fun. We met Casey at Leona's after he was done with work.  It was a 100 so I chickened out and drove.  We were all hot afterwards so we stopped and had MacDonald's for dinner.   Me and Casey stained the deck until we were out of stain.  Then he worked on putting the boards on top on and I strung a stand of lights.  They look pretty Robin, thank you.  The kids played with the neighbor girls in our backyard so they had a fun time.  Tomorrow night we are going up to visit Calleen so that should be fun.  Love you guys.



I made it thru Monday. It was a busy morning but then it calmed down in the afternoon. I am excited to go shooting tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Back to the real world

It was hard going back to work today.  I had such a fun weekend.  I got a lot done and it was quiet.  Two people who went to Norway on vacation came back today and it was fun to hear about their vacations.  Dad didn't feel very good so he stayed home.  I think his allergies just got away from him.  He seems better tonight.  I am excited to go shooting tomorrow.  Drive safe Karen.  Robin that lavender oil is helping a lot.  Thank you so much.  I doesn't bother me so much and it doesn't seem as red.  Everyone have a nice Tuesday.  LOVE MOM

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Slow mo

I didn't do much today. I did dye my hair back to brown. I had a lot of greys popping through and I didn't want to pay to get it touched up so I just bought a box. I hope everyone has a good Monday. I like the stain on the deck rachel



Karen, I love your new car so so much.  I am so excited for you.  The kids have talked all day about getting a car like yours, they are jealous.  Today was good.  We have early church so I had to wake up all the kids.  They had a really hard time waking up and getting going.  All day they kept telling me how I woke them up and they didn't like it.  Church went really well though.  Ruthie went to her class and I taught a lesson that went good.  It was really nice to be done with church at 11.  Casey went to work while we were at church.  He was having a hard time staying so he came home at 1.  We went to lunch and then Lowe's.  We just worked on the deck the rest of the day.  I stained it and Casey worked on the handrails for the stairs.  I was worried about the stain but I really like it now.  I have one side all done so two more to go.  I also stained the boards that will go up high.  We took the kids canoeing when it got cooler.   It was so hot all day but as soon as we loaded up the boats it got really windy.  We just went in one canoe and the kids had their bags full of treats so it was a really fun time.  It was really nice to go.  We are done buying wood so we are just going to leave the canoes on the trailer now.  Thanks again for all you guys have done to build the deck.  It is looking so amazing.


Half stained.

Side closet to us is all stained.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...