Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Hump day

It didn't seem like Wednesday today, more like a Monday.  It was quiet at my place also and I got a lot of work done.  Dad went home at noon so I rode trax to Smiths and he picked me up after work.  I needed to buy some treats for a party on Friday and I am not going to be there.  Smiths didn't have any nice pants for Isaac.  I am worried they aren't stocking them anymore.  I will continue to look for them.  Maybe they are just getting ready for school clothes.  We are going to Logan after work.  We are going to come home and pack up and leave.  I am worried the chocolate Karen bought Ruth will melt and that way dad can go home early and take a nap if he needs to.  Miss the rush hour traffic.  Everyone have a great Thursday.  I can't believe how fast July is going.  LOVE MOM

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