Tuesday, July 10, 2018


I am glad that you guys had a fun day.  I am sorry that you have allergies Karen.  I was hopping you didn't have them.  Dang it.  It was a hot day today again.  We went to summer reading this morning and then went to Lee's to stock up on ice cream and Popsicle for Ruth.  A lady I visiting teach birthday was today so we dropped some chocolate off for her.  I thought it would be really fast but we ended up staying an hour.  It drives me crazy.  We spent the rest of the afternoon going outside watching them cut down the neighbors tree with a crane and then coming in to cool off.  When Casey came home we picked up Leona and headed up to Clifton.  It was a fun time and we stayed later than we were planning.  It was a nice evening.  Everyone have a good night.


My new patio sofa

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...