Sunday, July 8, 2018


Karen, I love your new car so so much.  I am so excited for you.  The kids have talked all day about getting a car like yours, they are jealous.  Today was good.  We have early church so I had to wake up all the kids.  They had a really hard time waking up and getting going.  All day they kept telling me how I woke them up and they didn't like it.  Church went really well though.  Ruthie went to her class and I taught a lesson that went good.  It was really nice to be done with church at 11.  Casey went to work while we were at church.  He was having a hard time staying so he came home at 1.  We went to lunch and then Lowe's.  We just worked on the deck the rest of the day.  I stained it and Casey worked on the handrails for the stairs.  I was worried about the stain but I really like it now.  I have one side all done so two more to go.  I also stained the boards that will go up high.  We took the kids canoeing when it got cooler.   It was so hot all day but as soon as we loaded up the boats it got really windy.  We just went in one canoe and the kids had their bags full of treats so it was a really fun time.  It was really nice to go.  We are done buying wood so we are just going to leave the canoes on the trailer now.  Thanks again for all you guys have done to build the deck.  It is looking so amazing.


Half stained.

Side closet to us is all stained.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...