Friday, November 22, 2013

Ready for Saturday

I am ready for Saturday.  I have a semi truck as a surprise and we are ready for some serious fun.  It was so cold here also today.  I walked to dad's work after I got off work and man was it cold and windy.  I am not ready for winter either.  I do love my quilt Rachel.  You are so sweet to make it for me.  Karen is coming down and we should pick you up around 9 tomorrow Robin.  I found some car sheets at Smiths on sale so I got them.  They were really a good buy.  I was excited about that.  LOVE MOM

Yea for Friday

Well I am glad that it is the weekend. Work was good but a little slow in the afternoon. I did have to shovel this morning but it wasn't too bad. I like my big shovel. I think it is faster shoveling with it. It was also cold today. Burr I am not ready for the cold and snow. I am excited to go to Logan tomorrow. Have a good one. Bye

An Early Night

I am excited for everyone to come up tomorrow.  Thanks for doing that.  We will have a good time.  Isaac didn't sleep very well last night.  He just fell asleep early and I think that I am going to join him.  Today was pretty good.  My visiting teacher came over this morning.  They brought their kids and Isaac liked played with them.  I finished the binding on Mom's quilt so it will be ready for tomorrow.  I attached a picture.  Casey worked tonight to get some overtime for Christmas.  They are moving to a new building the first week of December and then he wont be able to work Saturday and Sunday anymore so he is going to do it while he can.  Poor Isaac didn't want to go grocery shopping today and was upset.  He threw himself down on his bed but flung himself too hard and his it head on the side so he has a big goose ache.  I felt bad for him.  I think that he will survive but it looks sore.  Well everyone have a safe drive and I am really excited to spend the day with everyone.


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Clipboard of Fun

A major decision has come together.  Karen is coming to SLC and will leave Kamas around 8:00.  We will leave for Logan around 9:00 getting us up there before Lunch.  We will shop for Thanksgiving and get things organized.  I am excited about that.  Then on Wednesday after work.  Karen will drive from Kamas to Logan and we will drive from Salt to Logan.  Robin is going to stay with Walter's family and come up to Logan sometime on Thursday.  I am excited that Casey's mom and Allen are coming to dinner that will be fun to have them.  It is so windy here right now.  I am not sure the snow would be better.  It is just howling out there.  I hope the dump truck makes it on the patio.  Tomorrow our department is going out to lunch at the pie.  It is a pizza place.  I worked extra hours this week so I could go.  I think that will be fun.  Have a great Friday and I will see you all soon.  LOVE MOM

easy living

I'm sorry you had to shovel karen the mountains look like they were getting hammered. I didn't get any snow. but I dont have to shovel so that is nice for me. I live the easy life in snowy weather. Today was good. work went by fast which was nice. i am glad tomorrow is friday. Walter took me out for dinner, it tasted good. we went to a chinese place.then I just came home and chilled. I talked with mom and going to watch some netflix.I am coming up to logan saturday. hope you have a great friday robin


Well I had to shovel snow after work today. I may also have to shovel before work tomorrow. Tis the season I guess. Work was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Slow Day Also

I had a slow day also.  We didn't have much going on.  The weather was nice this morning so we played outside.  It is raining pretty hard now though.  Isaac took a nap which was nice.  We went to the mall in the evening and walked around.  They have all their Christmas decorations up and it felt festive.  I would love to go to the festival of trees and then see the lights downtown.  I think that sounds fun.  What do you guys think of the name Arlo?  Let me know what you think.  Well everyone have a good night and I am excited for this weekend.  Should I came a roast or cornbeef for dinner on Saturday.  Let me know what sounds good.



I went shopping with Kay and Julie and I had a good time.  I really like the South Towne Mall, it is my favorite.  Robin I would love for you to come to Logan on Saturday. That would be a lot of fun.  Work was kind of slow for me as well.  It actually felt really nice.  Festival of Trees is the weekend of the 7th.  I wasn't sure if we wanted to go to that.  I guess a lot will depend on the weather no a days.  I am so not ready for the snow.  Have a great Thursday.  One more week and we are eating Turkey.  LOVE MOM

Mid week

Today was good nothing to crazy. Work has been moving slow I think its because of the holiday that is so close. I didn't do much else today. I did dishes. I have to do laundry but I keep procrastinating it. I dont think I have any plans this week I might go up to Logan to with everyone if that is OK. Well have a great night



Well my day was good. Work was pretty busy so it went by fast. That was nice. It was cold and rainy this afternoon here. It is suppose to change to snow tonight though. I am glad that the week is half over. I am also excited for the short week tomorrow. Well have a great day tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Today was good. Work has slow down a bit so that is nice I am working normal hours. Elf is starting soon we have a meeting the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I have no idea what is going on for Thanksgiving sorry...  Walters family is still trying to Sort out times with their family. Walter came over and I made the steaks and we red boxed the monsters inc 2 it was a cute show. Walter liked it. Well not to much else with me have a great one


WOW Rachel you had a big busy day.  I am glad everything went well.  Our little guy is growing up.  He is so dang cute.  I am glad he is liking being with the kids.  I am glad your scouts went well also.  I love the quilt.  It rained here all day Karen.  It sounds like you had a busy day at work also.  I had a quiet day and it was nice.  We did go to Walmart and get Planes for Isaac.  I have the book and the movie now.  We are set to go.  Tomorrow I am going to meet Kay and Julie for dinner.  I think that will be nice.  I am excited to go to Logan this weekend and get ready for Thanksgiving.  Not much else going on with me.  Walmart was my big excitement for the day. 



Today ended up being a really nice day.  At story time Isaac usually sits on the chairs by me, the rest of the kids sit on mats on the floor.  Today he grabbed a mat and said that he was going to sit on the floor.  He sat there the whole time with all the kids.  I was proud of him.  He is Mr independent lately.  Jenn came over to sew and I finished up the quilt I was working on.  I attached a picture.  I really like it.  I think I am just going to work on baby blankets when she come for a while.  Casey was trying to get Isaac to go get some ice cream before she came over and he wouldn't go.  He said he just wanted to sew with Jenn.  He likes to sit on my lap and help feed the fabric through.  Eventually Casey was able to persuade him to go.  It was cute.  Then for pack meeting we honored all the veterans in the ward.  It was really nice and everyone did a really good job.  I was stressed about it but it came together really nice.  We went an hour early to set up and practice the songs.  It was the the gym so Isaac got to run around with the kids and he loved that.  He got to do it when we cleaned up also.  I was fun to see him out with all the kids.  He was supper tired though and fell right asleep which was really nice for me.  I got a new book I think I am going to lat down and read that.  It will be nice.  Everyone have a good night.



Well it did rain a bit this afternoon. My day was pretty good. I was in meetings for 3 hours this morning. Then I had to stay a little late. They needed a manual done to send off first thing in the morning. So I stayed to finish some stuff for that. Other than not too much going on. Have a great one. Bye

Monday, November 18, 2013


I couldn't sleep last night either.  I figure it was the 3 hour nap and the hot chocolate at 9:00.  It was a long day.  I am hoping I can sleep better tonight.  I am so excited for the holiday.  Tell Casey thanks for fixing everything.  That is so nice of him.  I am excited to see the quilt.  You are sweet Rachel to make that for me.  I am going to go buy Planes tomorrow and help the lady with her resume.  I am going to met up with Kay and Julie on Wednesday.  That should make the week go by fast.  So far the weather looks good for next week.  I am glad you wrote that Lady Robin about the money.  You earned it.  Rachel you caught up with on Candy Crush.  I have been on this level for forever.  I was going to have Karen try to get me off of it over Thanksgiving.  I know Karen I bet that just makes you so excited.  LOVE MOM

I can't believe my eyes

This evening around 7:30 we lost power for about an hour.  Isaac kept saying I can't believe my eyes.  It was funny.  I decided that we should just go to bed but he was too excited so we got ready and laid in my bed until the power came on then moved him to his bed.  I hope that he sleeps better tonight.  Today was pretty good.  I had to deliver some invitations this morning.  I kept putting it off and today was the last day to do it so I did.  We had some problems with the garage opener and Casey fixed that yesterday and today he fixed the bad smell in the dishwasher.  It was a dead mouse.  I am glad that he was able to find it.  Isaac only took an hour nap so I didn't get much done.  I have Mom's gingerbread house pinned and ready to quilt.  I ended up getting a pretty border for it, I think that it is turning out good.  Everyone have a good night.  I am ready for a vacation next week.



 Didn't sleep real well either last night. For the same reason as Robin. You think I would know better but apparently I haven't learned that lesson yet. Work was good but I am glad that Monday is over.  I cooked the steak we got at costco for dinner. It tasted really good. We'll have a good one. Bye

copy that

today was good. work went by really slow but that was ok because next week is a short week. I ended up going to walters house for sunday dinner. it was good. I just relaxed tonight and watched some dexter. I stayed up late all weekend watching tv that I threw off my sleeping pattern a bit. so I didn't sleep great last night. i did a makeup job for halloween and still am waiting on the check so I wrote the girl today to send another one. I felt stupid doing it but hopefully I will get it for black friday sales. :) well have a great night robin

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Isaac went to nursery all my himself the whole time today.  He did really well.  I took a little girl out because she was crying and when I came back Isaac was doing so good I just decided to stay out.  He is doing good.  His cold is getting bad again and he isn't sleeping great.  He didn't sleep good last night and he didn't nap today because he was coughing.  I hope that he starts to get over it soon.  Casey worked today so we didn't see him much.  I made corn beef and cabbage and it tasted really really good.  I am glad that you guys meet up today that sounds fun.


love weekends

I had a nice weekend.  I rested most of the time but I feel like I got a lot done also.  That feels nice.  At Costco they had the granola that Isaac likes so I bought some for him.  It was nice just to get out of the house for awhile.  I am not looking forward to the week but we only have to work this week and next week is really a short one.  That will feel nice.  I am going to Logan on Saturday to help get everything ready for the Thanksgiving feast.  That sounds nice.  LOVE MOM


Sorry I didn't blog last night. Not to copy Robin but I was watching Dexter and forgot. I had a nice day. I met mom, Robin, and dad at about 11. We went to Costco and then had it. It was fun. Then I came home as had a nap. Well I hope that everyone has a great Monday tomorrow. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...