Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Today ended up being a really nice day.  At story time Isaac usually sits on the chairs by me, the rest of the kids sit on mats on the floor.  Today he grabbed a mat and said that he was going to sit on the floor.  He sat there the whole time with all the kids.  I was proud of him.  He is Mr independent lately.  Jenn came over to sew and I finished up the quilt I was working on.  I attached a picture.  I really like it.  I think I am just going to work on baby blankets when she come for a while.  Casey was trying to get Isaac to go get some ice cream before she came over and he wouldn't go.  He said he just wanted to sew with Jenn.  He likes to sit on my lap and help feed the fabric through.  Eventually Casey was able to persuade him to go.  It was cute.  Then for pack meeting we honored all the veterans in the ward.  It was really nice and everyone did a really good job.  I was stressed about it but it came together really nice.  We went an hour early to set up and practice the songs.  It was the the gym so Isaac got to run around with the kids and he loved that.  He got to do it when we cleaned up also.  I was fun to see him out with all the kids.  He was supper tired though and fell right asleep which was really nice for me.  I got a new book I think I am going to lat down and read that.  It will be nice.  Everyone have a good night.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...