Tuesday, November 19, 2013


WOW Rachel you had a big busy day.  I am glad everything went well.  Our little guy is growing up.  He is so dang cute.  I am glad he is liking being with the kids.  I am glad your scouts went well also.  I love the quilt.  It rained here all day Karen.  It sounds like you had a busy day at work also.  I had a quiet day and it was nice.  We did go to Walmart and get Planes for Isaac.  I have the book and the movie now.  We are set to go.  Tomorrow I am going to meet Kay and Julie for dinner.  I think that will be nice.  I am excited to go to Logan this weekend and get ready for Thanksgiving.  Not much else going on with me.  Walmart was my big excitement for the day. 


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