Saturday, June 12, 2010
That is crazy the wind was blowing that hard. Mom that is good that you are getting so much done with the house, good job. That is exciting that someone is interested so fast. I usually just listen to my ipod when I am driving but yesterday I didn't and there are a ton of radio stations down here, it is crazy. I need more presets. We had a good day. We slept in and that was nice. We went to lunch and fried green tomatoes, they were really good. I think that anything fried is good. We went birthday shopping for Mom and that was fun. Casey worked in the afternoon, I started to sew but I was tired so I took a nap. So I slept most of the day away. I went up to the lab and I finished reading the Guardian, it was alright. I am glad that I am done with it. Well have a good night.
No trees
it was so windy here also all day but we didn't lose a tree. Thank Heavens. We signed the papers today to put the house up for sale. I am a little nervous but I feel good about it so that must be a good sign. I had a neighbor that is renting a house say they want to look at it on Monday and they need to be in a new place in 18 days. I don't think you can get a loan that fast but we will see. This might be the quickest sale known to man. I was kind of hoping for a long sale. I got the wall painted by the window in the living room. All that is left is the wall where the piano is. I have to let the wall dry so I can put the couch back and then I can pull the piano off the wall. It is looking nice. I got the entry hall all put back together. Slow but sure. I finally got paint on my dam shirt. Karen was right it would happen eventually. I am glad the apartment didn't get damaged by the tree. I am glad Robin you got a day to play. That is nice. LOVE MOM
shiver me timbers
Well today has been a very windy day. The tree in front of dads apartment fell over. thats the big news of my day. I had the day off of lagoon so I just enjoyed the day off. I stayed in since it was so windy. I didn't have my striped socks so I wasn't ready for a house to fall on me. :) just kidding. well I am going to go back and be lazy. Hope everyone didn't blow away.
love you
Friday, June 11, 2010
Entry way
Well me and dad got the entry way painted tonight. I know exciting. It looks good. The paint grows on me. At first I really miss my blue paint but the new paint is nice. Tomorrow the living is going down. It will be a little tricky with all the furniture but I will just take one wall at at a time. It rained here all day and it was cold. There is snow in the mountains but so far it hasn't gotten us. I think it is the volcanos that is causing all this cold weather. Well have a great weekend. LOVE MOM
slow mo
Well today was pretty crazy. I worked at lagoon in the morning then at night a girl asked me to makeup for a photo shoot. I really didn't get the details but when I showed up it was a bunch of church ladies who got there makeup done and then the photographer took still shoots of them. So I will get a cd of the girls I did. It actually was really fun, I like doing makeup on people that don't get it done everyday. alot of them were older ladies but we had a good time. anyway I am going to head for bed I'm beat. I hope everyone had a great weekend. don't work to hard ;)
Well it is nice and cool outside. If it wasn't for the wind it would be a great day. Work was good. Nothing too exciting, just the same old same old. Good luck getting all the stuff done you want to this weekend mom. I never seem to get everything done I want to on the weekends. I am glad that dad made it to Logan safe and sound. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE
tic tock
You can get rid of the box of lights mom I think half of them don't work I will buy new ones when I get my place anyway. Well today I worked at lagoon and then I ran over and helped on the film all night. So it was quite an eventful day. I work tomorrow in the morning and then a girl form the movie asked me to help out on a photo shoot, so after work I am going over and do some makeup. anyway. I hope everyone has a fabulous saturday. love you
Thursday, June 10, 2010
home safe and sound
Dad made it home safe and sound. That is nice. It is good to have him home. We had a quiet nice and that is nice. I don't feel so tired. I have been resting up a little bit. Work is quiet and that helps also. I am hoping for a long quiet weekend to get a lot done with. Jared took the lawn mower with him today so that is two large items out of the garage. I am going to go rent a storage shed this weekend and start taking items I want to keep and putting them in there so I can clean the garage. Robin how do you feel abou the two large boxes of tangled up lights. Do you want them or can I throw them out and get you some new ones?
I had a good day, it was busy at work and that was good. Me, casey and dad went out to dinner at the indian place. I tasted really good. I love rice pudding. I am going to go and read, I need to get into the habit again.
You load 16 tons...
Well made it thru Thursday. I am glad that the weekend is almost here. I hope that everyone had a good day. Work was a little slow today, but not too bad. The last hour was the worst. I hope that you get your phone charger back mom. I also wish you well with all the painting stuff. If you nee help let me know and I will come up and help you. Well have a great Friday everyone. BYE
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
peace be still :) jk
that is a stupid rule. I think it will work out though. most of the time they want your money I'm sure they will find someone. well today was pretty chill. nothing to exciting going on. I guess they are going to try to shoot tomorrow. I work at night so I hope the other guy can come in and do makeup. we will see. well I have nothing else exiting. I hope you all have a great day
love you
Karen, that is a stupid rule. I hope that someone else signs up, that would be great. Would someone in your ward go with you? I would ask around. I hope that it works out, I am excited for you. How did you hear about the cruise? A girl I know went on one this spring and she had a good time. I wouldn't pay for two people though, that is stupid, that is a jerky thing to do. Mom I am sorry about your phone charger. Good job on making a plan, you are doing a good job. It is a lot of work and I can help. Well I read my book tonight and Casey made dinner, it was good. I am frustrated for you Karen that is stupid. I hope that it works out.
Well I might not be going on the cruise. They have roommates for all the rooms and I am an odd person so if no one else signs up to go by the 14th I will either have to pay 2 the amount and have my own room and not go. I will let you know how that goes. Well other than that things have been pretty quiet here today. It was nice outside. It has cooled down a bit so you don't melt when you step out of the airconditioning. I hope that everyone has a good rest of the week. BYE
No Phone
I left my charger at dads and I think I also left my back up there because I can'ge find one and my phone is totally dead. If you need to call me you can call on Grandma's phone. I had a busy day. It rained all morning. I am going to go work on paperwork and try to get some painting started tonight. My goal is to have all the painting done this weekend and then start the massive get everyroom cleaned out phase. I am also going to rent a storage shed of things I want to keep but not have in the house while we sell it. Dad is going to take his books to SLC because he is never sure when he will need them. I am making baby steps. Well have a good night. LOVE MOM
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
I was wondering
Karen I was wondering if you were going on a cruise. I saw that you joined it on Facebook. I am really excited for you. Are people from your ward going? How long is it for. You are going to have a blast, I am excited for you. Me and Robin had a fun time shopping, I got a cute skirt, I am excited. Me and Casey are watching It is Always Sunny in Phildephia, it is a funny show. I am excited for you Karen, that is fun. :)
you guys all had fun nights. Karen we definitely need details that is for sure. I am so excited for you. You are going to have a ball. Did you tell Laura Dawn yet? That will be so much fun. Rachel and Robin I am glad you had a good time shopping. That is fun. Shoes for a penny. That is a steal. Dad made it safe and sound to SLC. I just vegged tonight. I was tired. I need to get some ambition that is for sure. I am glad you guys are doing good.
Wow Karen I am so excited for you!!!!! you will have to give us all the details when you get them. I have always wanted to go to the bahamas. Well today was a good day I didn't work at lagoon but xpose called me to do makeup for one girl. So I did that and meet up with rachel for dinner after and went shopping. I couldn't resist I got a shirt on sale with a pair of shoes for a 1 penny :) they make me look really tall. rachel got some really cute things also. Well I hope everyone has a great night
love you
Well I signed up for a LDS singles Cruise. It is going to the Bahamas. It should be fun. It goes the end of August. It is going to be a early birthday present to myself. I hope that everyone had a good day today. It was still over a hundred here today, but it is going to be cooler than that the rest of the week. It is only going to be 76 by the weekend. I am going to enjoy that cool weather while I can. Hope you all have a good rest of the week. BYE
Monday, June 7, 2010
around and around
well today I decided to look around for some shirts. I feel like after throwing most of my cloths away for toronto I was lacking. They were having a lot of summer sales so I picked up a few shirts that were on sale. Then I dyed my hair. I just bought a box and did it my self. its kinda dark but my hair always lightens up after a few weeks. :) well tomorrow I have off also. I think i am going to go grocery shopping for lunches then I don't have to eat lagoon cafeteria food all the time. well I am going to sleep have a great one.
Good job Mom, you are getting a lot done. That is really good. You are doing a good job. You were definetly more productive then I was tonight. Me and Casey had soup for dinner and it was good. This weather is werid. The evening thunderstorms are intertesting. I am glad it isn't as hot in SLC as it is in St George, I don't think I could handle it. I think the snow birds have the right idea, they are in the right places at the right time. Well everone have a good night.
clean sock
I wore my last pair of clean socks today. So laundry was definitely on the list tonight. I went and got some paint for the rest of the living room and when I was checking out there was a down pour. I have them coming over to get measurements of the room so I can get carpet going after the paint. I hope it will look nice when I am done. 106 degrees sounds so hot Karen. Be careful. I loved the card. Thanks for sending it to me. Not much else going on here. I did get some work done today so that was nice. I think it is nice to feel you get something accomplished instead of just seeing it pile higher and higher. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM
Well I hope that Robin had a good day off. Mine day was good. Thankfully today is the hottest day of the week (at 106). It is suppose to cool off from here. I was busy at work and that was nice because it made it go by faster. I hope that everyone had a good day. BYE
Sunday, June 6, 2010
So tomorrow I do not work at lagoon. I am so excited to have a day off I can hardly contain myself. I can't believe that its june though crazy how time flies. This weekend was fun it was fun to hang out with family and have parties. well nothing else to crazy with me. love you
Home again Home again
We made it home safe and sound. Thanks for the fun weekend. It is nice to be home. It was nice to see everyone. I love being with everyone. Not much else going on here. LOVE MOM
Well I hope that you are not still stuck at Wingers. I am sorry that I didn't answer your texted but I was taking a nap and didn't notice you sent one. I did call, but mom didn't answer her phone. I hope that you had a good time at Julie's. My day was good. I went to church, took a nap, and watched a movie. It has just been busy. It is still hot here though. Well i hope that you had a great day. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...