Sunday, January 18, 2015


It was a really pretty day today.  I love this weather.  Last night Oliver did not sleep well.  It was a long night.  I wish that last tooth would break through.  At church it was Jenn's daugthers farewell.  It was a really nice sacrament meeting, very uplifting.  I had to teach the lesson also, I feel flustered but the kids are great and really nice.  I put Oliver to sleep for his nap before we left for church in his car seat but he woke up in the car, he only slept 20 minutes.  I think that will make him extra tired tonight so he will sleep really well, here's hoping.  I finished quilting my apple core quilt night, I just have to had sew the binding on and then I put a picture on.  Karen, what shows are you watching now?  Are you reading anything good?  I am reading Stay where you are and then leave.  I just grabbed it at the library on Friday.  It is a good book and I am reading it fast.  I looked at it closer when I got home and noticed it was a Juv book which is why it is a fast read I guess.  It is about World war 1 and a guy who has shell shock.  I like it.


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