Monday, November 24, 2014


How was dinner with Julie Mom?  Did you guys have fun?  Karen, what is a hall tree?  Where are you going to put it?  Please put pictures up.  I got a bunch of ads in the mail today.  It was fun to look at them.  It is weird to shop at 6 pm.  It will be harder because at 7:30 I need to feed Oliver so we will have to work that in.  Oliver's check up went well.  He only had one shot and she said that he wouldn't feel sick after that.  They also had to prick his toe to check his Iron.  It was a little low but still in the normal range.  Casey had a dentist appointment afterwards and he was numb for a while.  Isaac had preschool  today and had fun, he doesn't have it on Wednesday this week.  I completely forgot he had preschool on Dec 3 but I am just going to have him skip it.  Well everyone have a good night and get lots of sleep so you will be ready for all the shopping we are going to do. :)


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