Monday, August 13, 2012

New Needles

I put new needles in the serger tonight and all I can saw is WOW.  Needles make a lot of difference in your sewing.  The stitching is so much better.  I am glad you liked your snacks today.  It is fun to have new snacks.  They always seem to run out the fastest.  Was the fish good tonight Rachel?  You didn't mention whether you liked it or not.  We had hamburger helper and it tasted really good.  I don't make it very often and it was a good treat.  We went to JoAnns to get more fabric to make skirts.  It was fun.  They are all sergered, I just need to make hems and put elastic casing in them.  I will for sure be done by Saturday.  Not much else to report.  It was a good Monday.  Dad has a doctor's appointment on Wednesday.  Just a check up.  I wasn't go to go with him but I think I will ask for a few hours off to go with him.  It is his heart doctor in SLC so it won't take long.  It didn't rain here at all.  Dad said there is a big black streak across the Sun.  I am going to research it and see what they think it is.  It is longer than from here to the Moon.  I thought Casey would be interested in that.  LOVE MOM

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 I had a really quiet morning. I slept. Dad came home and I ran some errands. He had a heart doctor appt. He checked out really good. I am e...