Saturday, October 27, 2018


We had a good day.  This morning Casey went and helped a lady clear up some debris and take it to the dump.  When he got back we went to Lee's and got some chicken for lunch.  We picked up Leona and had her for lunch.  Then we went and got some pumpkins and carved them.  It was fun and the kids lost interest.  Then we played in the leafs.  Casey took Leona to Walmart and picked up the new My Little Pony movie.  The kids watched that the rest of the movie and they loved it.  Casey fixed the Jeep and I sewed and I finished my quilt.  I love it so much, it turned out so good.  It was fun to have some down time.  I hope that everyone had a good day, love you guys.


Oliver was throwing leafs at me

Casey was shaking the tree for more leafs

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...