Monday, July 27, 2009

I am back

I am back to Utah/Idaho. I am glad that everyone is doing well. I am glad that Karen got her MP3 player. It was fun to be their for a major purchase. My car kind broke down in California and it is in getting fixed and I left my camera in it so I will post pictures later. Me, Casey and Nate left for California on Thursday. We were able to stop and eat dinner with Karen which was fun. We got to California about 3:00 in the morning. It was a long drive. We stayed with Casey's Mom and she lives in a really cute house, I liked it. Friday Casey's Mom has a job painting an old apartment so we went and helped her for a while. Then me, Casey and Nate went to the beach and it was a lot of fun. I really had a good time playing in the waves. Then we went back and got cleaned up and we were going to see Charlotte but my car broke down. It was a pretty easy fix and we broke down in a good spot but it took a while to get everything going so we missed Charlotte but we went to a good Mexican restaurant. I got a fish and they brought out a whole fish. It was interesting and good.
Saturday we went over to see Richard, his girl friend had plans with her Mom and she doesn't like to leave him a lone. He slept most of the day. It was good to see him and see that he is doing well. Hopefully in three weeks they will unwire his jaw and he will get ride of the trac.
That evening we went out to dinner with Charlotte and it was a lot of fun.
On the way home my car was still leaking antifreeze so we took it in and their are a few problems that need to be fixes. So I am going to be staying with Mom again for a day or two until my car is fixed. I am glad to be back and I will be glad when my car is fixed.


1 comment:

  1. Robin
    Richard is doing pretty well. His face looks pretty good. It is still swollen but he looks better than I was expecting. I am glad that you are doing so good. That will be fun to do makeup at a bridal shower. Good Luck.



 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...