Wednesday, July 29, 2009

i swim?

So today walking to school it was kinda rainy, by the time I got to school, the apocalypse  started and I was walking through rivers to get to school. I soaked water from my feet to my knees and the wind was blowing so it was blowing water onto me. I was holding an umbrella for looks, but i was drenched. what can you do.... well i put my wart cap on a girl in class, i did makeup on her and then we went out for ice cream  with her makeup on. We got some strange looks it was fun. I attached some picts. for fun. :) Anyway a miracle happened today. Our photoshoots are in two weeks and I had a idea that is world shattering. I am going to black light makeup. I went to the makeup store and they had makeup made just for black lights  and eyelashes. I'm going to make the face black and then make the eye lines and lips black light colors. I might throw a hand print on or splatter makeup. Not sure yet my teacher said he would help me with some ideas. I am so excited I think it will be better then christmas. Maybe..... anyway i was thinking when I come home we can go cosmo bowling and I can do everyones makeup in black light makeup so we will look completely awesome.... eh :) (I bet you guys are glad I'm a million miles away) :) anyway have a great day... love you

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