Friday, June 8, 2012

Bear Lake

Today was good.  Happy Isaac came back and that was really nice.  He was laughing and playing today.  We decided since it was pay day to drive to Bear Lake for dinner.  It was fun and nice to get out.  The pizza was really good.  Isaac liked the lake also, he just wanted Casey to carry him out to the middle of it.  It was funny.  We need to register the Ford this month and we were talking about it.  It has been making a loud noise so when we got home Casey took a look at it to see if he can fix it.  Their is a spring that is broken and it isn't drive able.  So Casey is going to drive the honda done tomorrow so I will be carless.  He did find a part at a store and just left to get it so he may be able to fix it tonight.  I am not sure.  Anyway I am excited for tomorrow, we will have a fun time.  Thanks for driving up here.  Here are a couple pictures.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...