Monday, November 5, 2012


I love the quilt Rachel. That looks beautiful.  It just brightens the whole basement.  I was telling Karen today that Robin got some decals for her walls and they are beautiful.  She said they were 10 dollars at Target.  I still have my 50 dollar gift card.  WE should all go to Target and buy us some for our walls.  I was going to get me some.  I hope that is OK if we steal your idea Robin.  You did such a good job decorating your apartment.  I had a nice day.  It was just a regular day and I was glad.  Work has been so crazy lately.  There was a flyer in my door tonight that there was an armed robbery somewhere in the apartments.  They knocked on the door and when they opened the door they had a gun and robbed them. That is kind of scary.  One more week and one day.  Netflixs doesn't have V for Vendetta and who knows where our copy was so we watch something else that had vendetta in it.  I guess that is close.  Karen said it is suppose to be bad weather at the end of the week.  I am not looking forward to that one.  I am however getting really excited for Thanksgiving.  I am looking forward to playing.  Have a great Tuesday.  I love you guys.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...