Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy Birthday Ruthie

Thanks Karen for the cropping.  I think that you need a snow blower also, buy one this weekend or tomorrow.  That would be fun.  Today I ran a bunch of errands while Isaac was at school.  It was my day for carpooling so I picked up the kids and then we went to Sam's for lunch and picked up some diapers.  Ruthie didn't sleep well last night and Oliver fell asleep at 5 pm so he woke up at 6:30 and was ready to go.  So everyone was kind of tired today.  Ruthie and Ollie took a good nap which was nice.  We took Ruthie out for dinner for her birthday and Isaac really really wanted rice so we went to Mandarin gardens and it tasted good.  I had young women tonight and it was fun but went kind of long, it was nice to play games and have fun.  Everyone have a good night.


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