Saturday, October 29, 2016


Ruthie didn't sleep well last night so me and Casey were tired today but we still got a lot done.  This morning Kelly's car ran out of gas by our house.  Casey helped him get some gas and fed him some food.  It was good to see him.  Then we went to Sam's to get some stuff for the Kindergarten party and we had lunch their.  Casey dropped me and Ruth off so I could give her a nap and then went and got a valve to fix the toilet downstairs.  When they got back Casey mowed the lawn, me and the boys worked on getting the garden cleaned up.  We were taking out the weed barrier.  Isaac helped so much, he shoveled so much it was awesome.  He said he needed a break and went and jumped on the trampoline, it made me laugh.  When Casey was done he helped and we got it all done, yea.  Now we just need to level it out.  Casey drove the van and the trailer in the backyard and a valve burst on the van's tire.  So after dinner he put the spare on and is now fixing the tire.  He also fixed the toilet, he was on fire.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow Mom.  Isaac was so happy all day after talking with you, thanks.  Nice lego Karen.


Isaac wrote all the letter, with the vowels in red

The garden torn apart

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