Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I will take any help I can get thanks guys :) I think monday I would like to move everything that I can here and then saturday move the big stuff. I dont know if its easier driving up to logan friday night and then load my car saturday morning??? I don't know what is best. but that is my vague plan. I will by food or reinburse gas for anybody :). well today was craza i worked then had to run and get my driving record (for deliveries) they want me to start doing that. and then tried to set up power. I sent in an online application cross your fingers it will work. Then curtis from lagoon knows a girl that is doing a play and needs an airbrush tattoo person. Its just one hour at 6 on weekends that starts the 8th. they wanted me there the 5tj but I said I couldn't make it at all. so lets hope the 8th I am not dead. Luckly its not an all night thing just a hour thinger. we will see how that goes??? well that is my jazz. sorry I don't have my puzzle pieces in place but it will happen and it will be fabulous robin

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