Wednesday, July 22, 2020


I finished my data science certification this afternoon.  I learned a lot from the classes and I am really glad I did it.  I had a lot of fun doing it.  Today was good.  Tony wasn't feeling the walk this morning so we didn't got far.  Oliver and Ruth had their last day of the classes.  They had a really fun time.  I was able to watch Ruth do a dance and she was really cute.  She is a good dancer.  It won't let me post the video, it says it is too big.  Isaac had a call with Collin and they had fun talking to each other.  Mom and Dad sent the kids new toys and they loved them.  They had a lot of fun playing with them.  We needed batteries for them so we went to the store and then met Casey for lunch. It was watering day and Tony loves running through the water.  It ended up raining this evening.  Love you guys.


I use Tony to wake Oliver up.

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