Friday, October 1, 2021


Yesterday Jeramy was bit by a bed bug. he took a shower at his mom's house to make sure they were all off of him before we left Because he could feel a bite. It looked like a mesquito bite to me. But as the night went on it got bigger. He took some Benadryl and put hydrocortisone cream on it. He's allergic to bed bugs. This morning it was double the size and really red and itchy. So we went to urgent care and he got a shot and some antibiotics. It's still pretty swollen and hot to the touch. Then we ran over I had to get my second COVID vaccination. Luna has been starting to move her legs like she is trying to figure out walking. So I was holding her up and she was super focused on jeramys Costco bag from the pharmacy. So we took out all the medicine and gave her the bag. She loved it, it was really funny. 

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