Monday, February 23, 2015

So Cold

Winter came back with a vengeance that is for sure.  It was so cold and windy.  They had lunch out today and that was good.  We went to that place by the Library that Robin says is good.  I really liked it.  I was too full to try their award winning desserts.  I am glad that Oliver checked out and did have an ear ache.  I thought for sure that was why he wasn't sleeping.  Good luck with letting them cry.  I always caved.  Did you try the teddy bear?  I thought for sure that would help.  I guess you could try a bottle.  I hate to start that habit but it might be worth a try.  I ordered flowers from all of us for Walter's grandma.  I thought you would like to know.  Thanks for wishing me luck tomorrow.  I am a little freaked out to go.  I almost called and canceled today.  I am glad that dad is going with me.  Me and my mouth.  What a mess.  Love the quilt Rachel.  That turned out beautiful.  I think the border looks really nice with those colors.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...