Monday, November 6, 2017


Ruth slept better last night and was breathing better today.  She was even able to talk again which is good.  She was gumpy though and still doesn't feel good.  I messed up and forgot to turn Isaac's clock back so his alarm went off an hour early.  It was kind of nice outside after lunch so me and Oliver played and then it rained the rest of the day.  I needed to go grocery shopping so I went after Casey got home.  Casey got an interview for a new job on Wednesday, I am excited for him.  I hope that it goes well.  I hope that everyone had a good Monday.  It feels like it is going to be a long dark winter.


I took a lot of picture of Oliver today.

I was folding laundry and Isaac asked if he could get stuff from his supply room.  I said yes and he got out all this food and was mixing it together for a science experiment.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...