Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Half a day

Tomorrow I only have to work 1/2 day. That will be nice. WE are going to meet at Gardner Village. I hope I find it OK. I know the main way to get there. I am going to google map it. I know high tech. I needed gas in my car so we went and got some gas and went to Fred Meyers to walk around. They had a big hot wheels without the spider in it on clearance. I got it. I was way excited about it. They also had those train ones there. I am going back to get a couple of those. They had a ton of them. Well that is my big news for the day. I am glad your oils are coming along Karen. I need to check mine. I will look at Gardner village for some crafts. Any suggestions I what you would want. I will be on the look out. Well have a nice evening. LOVE MOM

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