Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Weird day

That is strange you couldn't find his shoes.  Oh well now you have a lot of back ups.  I am sorry he wasn't happy.  That makes for a long day.  My day sort of was the same.  Afternoon I messed up my excel spreadsheet and had to call IT to see if they could go back and re do my save.  They could so tomorrow I will start again on my additions.  That was stressful.  I did have a nice evening though.  Me and Robin went to Cafe Rio and that tasted so good.  We went to Fred Meyers to look at tables and they had some really cute ones.  They were having a lot of sales so we bought Isaac a batman PJ's with a cape.  Dang cute.  I am glad you are liking Tea Towels.  They are lots of fun and I think they make really nice gifts.  Dad called and said he had a really good day and things went well. That was a good thing.  Not much else going on.  Kyle did good through the surgery.  The doctor said it went well and he hardly lost any blood but he had a lot of infection and the outcome was wait and see.  I hope he does good.  Have a great Wednesday.  Almost half way done.  YEAH  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...