Tuesday, November 27, 2018


I am sorry that everyone getting sick.  Oliver was feeling better today but still had a little cough.  I gave him cough medicine and that has really helped.  He went to school and seemed better.  Casey went to work but still have a cough.  He said he was feeling a little better today.  When Oliver was at school and and Ruth played play dough and then went to story time.  She wasn't as mad as last week and was cute when she did all the actions to the songs.  We walked to pick up Isaac, it was cold but felt nice to get out of the basement.  Not too much going on.  Good luck with Stanley, I hope that catches on quick.  That was nice of your work Karen to send flowers, that is really sweet.  Good luck on your new job Mom, I am excited for you.


Ruthie hasn't been sleeping well and usually ends up in our bed

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