Sunday, April 28, 2013

Good Luck Robin

We made it to church also today and stayed the whole time.  It felt nice to go.  It was so hot in our apartment this afternoon.  It got up to 85 this afternoon so I turned the airconditioner on this evening.  It feels a lot better.  Might be a hot summer for us.  I am hoping not.  I took a long nap and just rested today.  We started a new series that I am liking it is call Awake.  Interesting.  Good luck Robin over the next 6 weeks.  If you need anything please let me know.  I can run errands.  Cook Food.  Anything that will help you make it through Pioneer.  Not much going on with me this week.  Should be a quiet one.  Two more weeks and it is the quilt fair.  Just thought I would get us all excited.  I think that will be a lot of fun.  Have a great week. LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...