Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Thank you

Thank you guys again for coming all the way up and giving Ruthie a fun birthday party.  You are the best.  She loved all the presents and it was fun to play with them today.  Today was good.  Isaac went back to school and he had a good day.  I worked out this morning and Oliver cut his finger when he jumped off the bleachers.  I got him a band-aid from the office because it was bleeding a bit but it isn't bad.  He was pretty upset at bedtime when I took off his band-aid, heaven help him if he every really gets hurt.  After school we went and bought some church shoes for the kids.  They did really well going and we had a good time.  The boys were cute trying to find Ruthie some shoes.  Casey worked late so we just played just dance.  It was fun.  Love you guys and have a good night.


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