Sunday, December 8, 2019

Really nice weekend

We had such a nice weekend.  We went up to Kamas on Friday night and decorated for Christmas.  Karen wrapped all her presents.  I was totally jealous.  I have to start doing that.  We went to Logan on Saturday and Isaac had a really nice party.  They were sweaty when they were done so that was a good sign.  We did hang out with Karen and I had 40 dollars at Columbia house and I was able to get Ruth a free coat.  It was half off and I was able to use my bounce back money.  I just love when I can do that.  We came home and just vegged.  Our red filament came (I thought it was coming on Monday).  Dad is making Santa's for me to give at work.  They are just things you can hang on your tree.  I loved talking with Isaac today.  I think that is cool is can call on his Alexa.  Robin I am so glad you had a nice party.  That was fancy.  Did you win coke?  I was hoping we had a year supply :),  I hope the casts for Isaac go OK on Thursday.  I am a little nervous about that one but I think it will help.  Have a great Monday.  I was a major loser on the steps.  I am going to have to move a lot tomorrow.  Rachel you are only hope of beating him.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...