Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Good job with the cooking Karen and Robin.  I am impressed.  That sounds fun to cook one night and then have things to eat for a while.  Today was good.  I have been trying to do more crafts with Isaac so today we colored bears and cut a cup up for a cave.  He liked that one and we had fun.  I saw that the American West Heritage Center had something going on.  I guess they have something everyday Tuesday through Saturday, I didn't know that.  Anyway we went to McDolands for lunch and then went out their.  I thought we could just ride the train the whole time but they only run it once every hour.  So we were able to do it twice.  Isaac loved it and that was his favorite part of the day.  Their wasn't a ton and not a lot of people but Isaac had so much fun.  He rode a pony, I was really proud of him.  We panned for gold, made a rag doll and hammered some wood.  Oliver was a saint.  It was hot but he didn't cry one time and we were their for two and half hours.  He even was good riding the train.  He fell asleep at 6, so we wore him out.  Well we are coming down Friday and we will come down early, around lunch, to play with Dad.  I am excited. Everyone have a good night and enjoy your delicious cooking.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...