Tuesday, January 8, 2013

We have tickets

Casey bought the tickets today so we are ready to go.  I forwarded the email to Karen and Robin but I am not sure I got Karens right.  I sent it to our hotmail account.  Our day was out of wack.  Isaac didn't sleep well last night so he slept in late.  We misses story time and he wouldn't take a nap.  Jenn came over to sew and he was pretty good out letting us sew.  It worked out.  We were playing with my jar of buttons today and we had them in a bunch of containers and Isaac was pouring one container into another one, it was pretty good.  We did that for a long time.  He loved putting them into different containers.  I am getting really excited for Vegas now.  It is really going to happen, I am excited!!!!


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...