Monday, April 20, 2020

Pretty day

So it was payroll but it isn't due until tomorrow so I didn't work much on Sunday and got finished around 1:00.  I didn't take a lunch so I finished around 4 and we went to the park.  It is the one with the cool playground on 5th and 33rd.  There were a lot of baby ducks there.  It was fun to watch them.  We just came home afterwards and vegged.  Robin, Jeramy still might be getting over COVID.  It takes up to 6 weeks to get over it.  He was pretty sick.  I think the same thing is going on with Casey.  Might be a long couple of weeks for recovery.  Not contagious just takes some time for the body to heal.  Even if it isn't COVID and just another type of virus, it takes a long time to get over it.  Karen it was nice to get out today.  I think they are going to lift the restrictions in Summit County.  That would be nice.  Well not much else to report on my end.  We just need a lot of sunshine and doing fun things.  I am pretty excited to work on Robin's yard on Saturday.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...