Thursday, October 29, 2015


Josh Groban is having a PBS special on Nov 28.  It is his new stages album and should be awesome.  So everyone put that on your calendar.  I was telling Isaac about it and he said that Josh Groban is boring so he may not be watching it.  Robin that is crazy that you have to get up at 4, good luck.  Karen did your pumpkin win or is that tomorrow, I hope that you won another $300, that would be awesome.  We had a good day.  Isaac had his Halloween party at school so he dressed up again.  They had a witch come and make witches brew and they went trick or treating.  I think he had fun.  Me and Oliver went grocery shopping while he was gone and Oliver was not a happy camper.  Casey made bread today so he can have sandwiches for work, I can't believe it is Friday tomorrow.  Me and Isaac spent all day pulling out old lego instructions and building them.  It was fun and made the day go fast.  Oliver was upset when I was making dinner so we all ended up sitting in his room and I pulled everything out of the closet and cleaned it up.  It felt good to do.  I am going to start moving Ruth's stuff up in the closet now.  I finished a quilt also, I really like it and Oliver really likes it also.  Everyone have a good Friday.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...