Saturday, July 11, 2009

Perfect Ponytail

Dad took me to see the Proposal tonight and Sandra Bullock had a pony tail and we both wondered if it was a perfect ponytail. Robin will have to analyze it when she sees the movie. I am sorry about the blisters on your feet Robin. How do you get so many of them? I am glad Karen had a good time on her date. You should ask Riley to come over for dinner one night. That would be fun. I am glad Karen is sending Rachel's birthday present to my house. I will keep it for her until her birthday. Salt Lake went really good. Dad fixed the problems they were having with the detector and grandma and grandpa are doing good. Grandpa said he fell the other night. I was worried about that one. The canal failed today somewhere in logan and flooded some houses. I don't have all the details but the houses on the news looked kind of by Casey's mom and dad. I'll have to find out more information on that one. I just saw the tail end of the report. Dad took me to the Thai place that him and Casey like to eat at. It was really good. They were very good with service. Not too much else to report. I am glad everyone is doing well.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...