Friday, July 10, 2009

and daddy he took my boot.

that is so crazy caseys car got robbed. I can't believe it I hate stuff like that it makes me so mad. I'm glad his car is ok though that is harder to replace. at least you can have state of the art electronics again. you should get an i touch :). Well today was my last day of fashion makeup yeah. that means i've completed 9 weeks of classes. 23 more weeks to go. I will hopefully have my pictures next week from my photo shoots. :) today in class we packed and were waiting to move into another room and one girl was putting clip extentions into her hair. It turned out really nice. I think one day i will try it. you can take them out and put in as many times as you want they are just clips so its nothing concrete. Its real hair to so you can curl it and dye it. It was pretty cool. anyway i'm still real tired I'm glad that its the weekend. the agenda is to sleep. yeah :) have a good one and be safe :) 

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