Wednesday, September 4, 2019


We miss Jenkins a lot too.  I even do and that surprised me.  He would follow me everywhere and I keep looking for him now.  He is a good dog.  I was really unmotivated this morning. I didn't walk or go to my exercise class.  We did turn in my 100 mile walking papers and I guess they mail me a shirt.  I am not sure how it works.  Then we went to the park and played until lunch.  We walked to take Oliver to school.  All the kids in his class was turning in homework from a blue folder and Oliver did bring home one.  The teacher had no idea where it could be and Oliver couldn't remember what he did with it.  They found it and we did homework tonight.  He was so excited and did so good on it.  Ruthie didn't have school today so we played games and folded laundry.  I had her clean her room and it looks really nice.  We walked to pick up the boys and it was a million degrees, it is so hot.  The kids played in the sprinklers when we got home.  We did homework after dinner and then Isaac had scouts which he really likes.  Casey worked late so he came home when the kids were headed to bed.  He is swamped with this new job.  Ruthie loves taking the little pieces of fabric from my garbage and puts them in bags.  It is cute and keeps her busy.  Love you guys and I hope that you have  a good day.  This week is going so slow.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...