Tuesday, April 22, 2014

They call the wind Mariah

I missed what you guys are doing.  What play is it?  That sounds like a fun time.  Oliver is doing good and is a lot happier today.  He was really tired though and slept a lot.  We went to story time for the first time since Oliver was born and it went really well.  I brought a bag to carry the books and just carried Oliver, he slept the whole time.  Jenn came over to sew and I worked on my pineapple quilt.  Yesterday I was able to put the bindings on the two baby blankets so I am almost done with the blankets I wanted to make Vickie.  Then after dinner we went grocery shopping.  It was so windy and rainy today.  It was pretty crazy.  I haven't seen wind like that in a while.  I don't have much else going on.  Everyone have a good day tomorrow.


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